Discussion»Questions»Beauty» What do you think your facial features will look like twenty-five years from now (IF, of course, you're still alive then)? ~
5 + 8 = 13 and carry the one. I will be 93 and a half. It could happen. Half my relatives were long-lived and very robust and the other half were not and died of cancers.
I know one thing. If I am 93, I won't look a day over 80.
Right now I look about 55 people tell me. (like that is really a bragging point) LOL I would have killed myself if when I was 50 people said I looked 50 freaking years old. Now I could care less. I don't wear makeup and I don't really comb my hair, just run my fingers through it and I think I look fine because I am comfortable in my own skin.
I want to be liked for me and the rest of the world can do its own thing.