Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Another migrant child in US custody died. This one died on Christmas Day. I wonder if stable boy will have anything to say?
Any human group has mortality and will have deaths whatever the administration. Not even your famous stable boy (should that not be Jesus?) can change the facts of life.
Jesus was born in a manger Malizz. Years ago on Answerbag one of the members used the moniker 'stableboy". No one thought that he thought he was Jesus. I never asked why he chose that moniker. Now as for the stable boy to whom I refer. He has called himself a "stable genius". His description not mine. I believe he is not a genius but an old man agewise who never matured beyond the stage of boy and thus therefore to whit I refer to him as stable boy without any religious connotations. I cannot help it if others bring religious baggage with them. It seems to me that you are defending the death of the child and just writing it off as normal natural and no big deal. Just like stable boy would if he uttered a word about it but he won't . So thank you for your reply. I disagree with it in its entirely.
Kids get sick. He and the father we took into custody Sun, they noticed the boy was ill Mon. He was sent to the hospital. The hospital said it was the common cold and gave antibiotics then released the boy. A few hours later the boy had a fever and vomiting, he was returned to the hospital. He died Tues. A sad case but not the fault of border patrol.
Is there any extent to which you will not go to defend stable boy and his gubment m2c? Is there any line you would never cross that would be repellent to you to do because so far I never see you admit any responsibility for anything harmful that is done or being done or will be done on the stable boy's watch. Not once. SIGH. Thank you for your reply. Sure kids get sick. How come NONE DIED in the decade before stable boy seized control and TWO DIED IN ONE MONTH with stable boy in charge vis a vis immigrant children? Any idea?
Trump was not there...he had nothing to do with either death. It is a dangerous trip. This proves the danger is real. The Border Patrol saves many many people from death on a regular basis. From dehydration, from drowning, and other illness. Sadly, these children did not make it. Do you believe the men and women of the Border Patrol are evil and purposely withheld treatment from these children or did something to cause these illnesses? I do not. They brought the children to the hospital. This last one, they brought back after the hospital released the child and the Father said the boy was getting better.
The reason there were no deaths (assuming that is the case...I doubt it) Obama was not keeping them in custody. He was releasing them into the country.
Yep I betchure right Nanoose! One trumpican pol said that immigrants are DIRTY and bring disease with them. The stable boy sez they are rapists and murderers and terrorists. So of course he would absotively posilutely agree with that! SIGH. Thank you for your reply. More's the pity! :(