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Who even cares anymore?

Posted - December 31, 2018


  • 14795
    I try hard to ....but where does one tiny individual start.....How can we cleans the oceans of Human plastic Rubbish ,soon to increase from eight to fifty million tons a year.....
    Why are not the governments of the world uniting to do something about it and stop the manafacture of single use plastic goods....
    Charge a levee and make all items returnable to the stores where they were brought...Years ago and before I was born....they use to do it with bottles in england......not any more though...:(  
      December 31, 2018 11:04 PM MST

  • 1812
    We could start by collecting the plastic and turning it back into oil,  a process that's been available for several years. Governments are controlled by the most wealthy people,  who have huge stakes in the oil and coal industry,  so this is going to take a while to conquer,  and it's going to take a few people that care about human life more than money
      December 31, 2018 11:08 PM MST

  • 14795
    We need to get the evil money grabbing creeps out of running governments and those that use there powers to line there own pockets....Filthy War mongers like Tony Blair and every other despot country leaders......
    Not one has a single brain cell between them ..
    We need normal family orientated mums and dads that know how to care and run things with out polluting the worlds oceans and the air we breathe ...
    Why does money come before everything ....including the wild animals ...the homeless ,sick and I people and even more so the world 
    we live and exist on.... 
      January 1, 2019 3:09 AM MST

  • 14795
    I never knew one single thing about changing plastics back into oil...why on earth are we not doing it on a global scale ....
    Are individual companies banned from doing it I wonder.....Big brother is one evil greedy  barstardddddd I think Weylon    All must be mentally sick and retarded....
      January 1, 2019 3:15 AM MST