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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Would having a prez who TELLS THE TRUTH 24/7 get us into as much trouble as having one who LIES 24/7? How?

Would having a prez who TELLS THE TRUTH 24/7 get us into as much trouble as having one who LIES 24/7? How?

Would a 24/7 TRUTHIE PREZ be as dangerous for us as our 24/7 LIAR PREZ is?

Posted - January 2, 2019


  • 46117
    Yeah.  Sure.  We hate the truth and we hate lies now.

    Some things are not to be blabbed if it is in the nature of security.   But that hardly qualifies anyone to lie.  Just say that it is not to be talked about.  There is no excuse for lies.  

    Lies are the enemy not the PRESS.

    TRUMP IS THE ENEMY not everyone else who looks for the truth.
      January 2, 2019 2:35 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Sharon. Is this something that would be "in the eye of a beholder"? What is a lie but an alternative truth right? AARRGGHH!. :)
      January 3, 2019 3:12 AM MST

  • 6023
    Well ... the first problem is, it would be impossible for someone who tells the truth 24/7 to be elected to ANY office.
    Even if they only told the truth when they were asked a question.

    But, if it were possible, they would be just as bad - if not worse - for foreign relations than Trump is.
    Could you imagine anyone in a diplomatic meeting ... or press op ... not being able to tell "little white lies"?
      January 2, 2019 2:48 PM MST

  • 46117
    That is the LIE you all tell yourselves.  EVERYONE LIES.  So Trump cannot be that bad.  

    Sorry.  We don't buy that nonsense.  

    I can tell you that you are a very brilliant man.  That is a big fat lie.  It hurts no one.  Not really.  I can also tell you that people are pouring into our borders and they are killers and liars and rapists and we need five billion dollars to fund a wall that will keep all the problems out.

    The reason my estimation of you is a big fat lie?  Is because you cannot tell the difference between a harmless lie and a big fat damaging dangerous LIE.  OR THE FACT THAT THE MORON IN OFFICE LIES HUNDREDS OF TIMES A WEEK.

    A LIE IS WRONG.  OKAY?  Harmless ones never make it to the surface.  TRUMP'S lies are so damaging and so frequent that it will take years to sort them all out.  Especially when we have to explain the difference between all of them to someone like you who cannot see the harm and pass it off as normal.
      January 2, 2019 2:53 PM MST

  • 6023
    I think you may need professional counseling.
    You obviously have such a "hard on" for Trump, that you read things into statements that were never there.
    You may be causing yourself physical and mental harm by doing so.  (ulcers, stress, etc)

    I suggest you try to read my reply to Rosie without your "anti Trump" bias.
      January 2, 2019 3:25 PM MST

  • 46117
    You have a softie for Trump.  I doubt if it can get hard.

      January 2, 2019 3:28 PM MST

  • 6023
    People say "When you assume, you make an ass of you and me".
    BUT "me" is not the one assuming, so ....
      January 2, 2019 3:32 PM MST

  • 46117
    I don't think you have a passing acquaintance with what assuming means.

    I assume a lot based on FACTS.  That is hardly assuming anything.  You cannot give any good reasons for whatever it is you think about Trump or me.   So, stay soft, my friend.

    Getting offended over my  HATRED of all things TRUMP is hardly baseless. He has done more to destroy this  country putting that piece of garbage, Kavanaugh in the highest judicial office and making sure he got in, no matter how illegal, is just the tip of the iceberg.  He is guilty of TREASON.  He lied about so much concerning Russia, and I have to argue with the likes of you, who never read one thing about the entire Russia connection.  

    Yes, I have a big "hard on".  You have a big, filthy mouth.  That is what you have, soft cell.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at January 3, 2019 7:42 AM MST
      January 2, 2019 3:40 PM MST

  • 6023
    Again ... go back and re-re-re-read my reply to Rosie.

    YOU assume I am a supporter of Trump.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not a Trump supporter.  (Nor would I have supported Hillary, based on her past record.)

    I predicted for decades that America was heading for such a President, due to the growing divisiveness both major political parties encouraged.  It was obvious to anybody who paid attention to the "big picture" of American politics.  I don't doubt that it will get far worse, if the American Electorate don't learn their lesson and become more moderate rather than further polarized.  And by "far worse" I include the strong possibility of violent conflict.  We already see the beginnings of it with "small-scale" violence between various protest/counter-protest groups.

      January 3, 2019 7:52 AM MST

  • 113301
    My first flat-out bigly laughs today so far Walt! " would be impossible for someone who tells the truth 24/7 to be elected to ANY office"!  True and why I'm laughing I don't know because isn't that a truly sad thing? But it is an obvious handicap. Telling the truth. Who'da thunk it? Which reminds me what happened to the Daily White House Briefings? Did the chicken Press Secretary refuse to do 'em? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply Walt. I cannot imagine a "worse than" stable boy. I shall try. :)
      January 3, 2019 3:16 AM MST

  • 4624
    Truth rarely causes trouble.
    But when it does, it is also truth that provides the cure.

      January 2, 2019 5:21 PM MST

  • 46117

    The POINT is, I am NEVER backing down on the Judases that support Donald Trump.  The line in the sand is drawn and these people are uninformed or WORSE.  They are surrounding themselves with evil and want everyone to applaud them for it.

    I WILL NOT.  They are just as evil as the one they support and there is no way to dress up the TRUTH.

    You don't get to support Hitler.  You just do not.  And if you try and act like there is a difference?  You don't know the issues or you just don't care.  That is treason to me.  Plain and simple.
      January 2, 2019 5:24 PM MST

  • 113301
    If what you say is true than we clearly have folks who so enjoy the disease they have no interest in a cure. Sadly they are the ones in control kinda sorta partially now. It is being mitigated today with the HOUSE being taken over by the Dems who will NOW have the majority and the control! Let's see what the Dems do to ameliorate mitigate cure. Thank you for your reply Nom de Plume! :)
      January 3, 2019 3:18 AM MST

  • 4624
    It happens I agree with your politics,
    but I think with this kind of language you will only attract the people who already agree with you,
    and that's useless because they already voted against Trump last time.

    I believe that if you want to convince others
    first you have to find the ones who are uncertain which way to vote,
    and also the ones who are pro-Dem but didn't bother voting last time.
    Then tailor your arguments to them.
    Use the kind of hard evidence you have already presented
    but include the exact sources of information with dates,
    plus studies on cause and effect relevant to each particular policy.
    If you show how and why Trump's policies don't and can't work,
    using measured and factual language and zero emotion,
    you will succeed in attracting intelligent and useful people to your campaign.

    Never assume that voters are dumb.

    I wish you every success.

      January 2, 2019 11:41 PM MST

  • 17036
    It was "the ones who are pro-Dem but didn't bother voting last time" that were the reason Trump was elected. Hordes of rusted-on Dem voters stayed away in droves because the DNC picked such a lousy candidate. This is why I'm against Warren running this time - she's deeply unlikeable, the electorate doesn't warm to her.
    Tammy Duckworth for President!
      January 3, 2019 3:22 AM MST

  • 4624
    Hmm. Yeah, I get that.
    I kind of think it's implied in the sub-text of my answer.
      January 3, 2019 10:18 PM MST

  • 113301
      January 4, 2019 2:44 AM MST

  • 113301
    "deeply unlikable" R? Why say you so? Inquiring minds wanna know! :)
      January 4, 2019 2:44 AM MST

  • 17036
    I haven't heard anybody say too much good about her - even among Dems. She's abrasive and vanilla at the same time, and you've had too many refugees from the retirement home as nominees. You need someone with more energy - like Tammy.
      January 4, 2019 2:54 AM MST

  • 113301
    I see it differently R though you know I already commended you on your choice of Tammy priorly on another thread awhile ago. Elizabeth early on and foreverly has fought for the little guy. She championed the consumer protection agency before she was ever in politics. She wanted the little guy to get a fair shake and kept at it till she got what she wanted. Then stable boy came in and chose folks who hated a thing to oversee it. What was among the first to go was the Consumer Protection Agency. Now you say she is abrasive and vanilla. I see a leader, a FIREBRAND, a briilliant college professor who wasn't satisfied sitting on her laurels. She lives the talk and walks the walk. She has ACTIVELY fought for decades for the little guy/gal. Tammy is a brave and courageous military person who lost appendages fighting for her country. That is admirable but it isn't all there is. As for age I would like it better if our WARRIORS were younger but you have to work with what is there. Now I have great hopes that some of the progressive liberal dems who are newbies will step up to the plate and work their butts off for we the people. Some come in loaded for bear. But they are all NEWBIES. INEXPERIENCED. They need time to learn how to do what needs to be done.  I am DELIGHTED that OLD Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker. She has proven herself to be a formidable speaker. None of those others would have had the experience to take on the stable boy. She will not always be there because she is OLD. But while she is there she will be very effective and will be able to mentor her replacements by showing them how it is done. No one calls her vanilla or a retirement home refugee. We need folks with PASSION AND EXPERIENCE not good looks or youth or easy repartee. I had my say. Thank you for your reply. You just don't click with Elizabeth Warren.  That's fine. I do. Bigly. So we disagree! Big wow! :( This post was edited by RosieG at January 4, 2019 6:03 AM MST
      January 4, 2019 6:00 AM MST

  • 113301
    Here's how I roll m'dear. I guess you are new to me as am I to you. I say what I think. I have no interest in convincing anyone of anything. I am a very curious-to-understand-why person and I always question that which is illogical to me. Much of politics lacks logic and reason and common sense. It is based purely on emotion not intellect. I say what I think and move on and do not look back unless someone replies in a civil way in which case I am happy to engage in discourse. I do not require folks to see things my way. I just require civility. I ask questions because if I don't they will drive me bonkers. I ask questions for me and if they appeal to some then I pause and engage. I don't proselytize. It just seems so odd to me that anyone (let alone MILLIONS) would support such a one as the stable boy. So I question the why and I bring up the what he does/says and seek some kind of answer that will help me understand why so many adore him. Welcome aboard. Hold on tight. Thank you for your thoughtful reply NdP and to quote a magnificently profound you know who "we'll see what happens". :)
      January 3, 2019 3:24 AM MST

  • 4624
    Sorry, Rosie. My second comment was meant to be a reply to My Boyfriend's Back's reply to my first comment. I pressed the wrong tag, so my message got written as if it was a reply to your question. That must have sounded slightly odd and confusing.

    But as it happens, I do agree with you on liberal politics and agree about polite discourse too.
    It does help to know that asking questions is a way to let off some of the pressure and outrage at all the silly things that go on in politics.

    Although I think democracy is the best of all political systems, it does have its drawbacks; it has historically always been prone to mediocrity, inefficiency and corruption. Still, I would rather see the West develop systems that can effectively compensate for those disadvantages. The alternatives; anarchy, communism, tyranny, oligarchy and monarchy have all proved unjust. Although history has thrown up the occasional benevolent dictator, they are so rare as to be not worth chancing.
    So that leaves us with the civic duties of each individual in a democracy: to stay well informed, to engage in public discussion and debate of policies and issues, to vote, and ideally (if we have the capacity) to lobby or to assist in campaigns.

    This post was edited by inky at January 4, 2019 2:29 AM MST
      January 3, 2019 10:32 PM MST

  • 113301
    You just NAILED IT NdP. I ask questions to let off steam otherwise I'd explode like those pressure cookers whose vents get jammed nd go KABOOM! Also I like things that make sense. I'm a big fan of logic. There is so much nonsense around in politics that I never run out of questions to ask about it. For instance. The people who are very pro-life and fight tooth and nail for the right of a fetus yet don't give a rat's a** about the 14,000 children being held in cages and kennels or tent cities without their parents because they are "illegal immigrants"! How does that make sense? Why is life in a uterus so much more valuble than life outside? Once born children can go to he** as far as they are concerned if they are "the other". What a sham. What a shame. That's what drives me crazy! So I keep asking questions pointing out the illogic and inconsistency and fakery and phoniness and what do I get back usually but attack for having the NERVE to do so! Go figger! Now I'm not saying nothing makes sense. Sometimes it does and I just don't grasp it. I question everything that doesn't and sometimes folks will patiently lead me through the whys and wherefores and then I can understand it. With the stable boy being revered as he is by his adoring worshippers there is no way to reach them. They believe what he says. They believe he is their only source of truth when in fact he lies all the time about everything big and small and either they know and don't care or don't know. The  thing I cannot grasp is how or why there are millions of them? I usta think the crackpot fringe was on the edges...maybe 5%. You know racists and bigots and conspiracy theory nutjobs and militia folks and skin heads and the like.  BOY was I wrong! There are MILLIONS of them! Even during this dumba** stable boy gubment shutdown causing hundreds of thousands of American citizens to suffer they stand by him! I don't get it. SIGH. Okay. I just vented . Oh I'm gonna ask a question about space. I don't know if you are a fan of exploring the universe but I was  mind-boggled yesterday. Are you familiar with Ultima Thule? Thank you for your thoughtful reply NdP. Wonder what today will bring in neverneverland?  :)
      January 4, 2019 2:41 AM MST