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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The stable boy said yes he could relate to the people going without paychecks and unable to pay their bills. HOW?

The stable boy said yes he could relate to the people going without paychecks and unable to pay their bills. HOW?

His very wealthy daddy bailed him out of every gawd-awful financial mess he got into. He KNOWS NOTHING about it so he LIED.

He also INSISTS that many of those who are furloughed DELUGE him with phone calls and tweets and emails telling him to hang in there and hang tough and don't mind them or their suffering because they BACK HIM NO MATTER WHAT. Now seriously folks do you really believe that? Or is that more of stable boy's "alternative truth" running at maximum Delusion as he tries to convince you of what is most ridiculously absurd. The furloughed people are willing to SACRIFICE their family's well-being and future for the wall fence slat curtain so that stable boy can save face? C'mon! You can't be that gullible! You Are? Condolences.

Posted - January 7, 2019


  • 11369
    Awhile back Trump met with students of  a school that went through a mass shooting - he had a note to remind himself  to tell the  students - I hear you. And I think him now saying I can relate to your problems is much the same - just empty words because he only relates and hears himself. I bet he is not getting as many calls and e-mails from furloughed people supporting the shut down as he say's he does. Cheers!
      January 7, 2019 7:00 PM MST

  • 113301
    I cannot imagine any SANE person who lives from paycheck to paycheck and is drowning in debt actually telling stable boy to hang in, stay tough, don't give in. Wonder how many folks will have to go on welfare because of this newest stable boy stunt? Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Tuesday!   :)
      January 8, 2019 1:35 AM MST