He did an UNFORGIVABLE THING! He cancelled the use of a government plane that was scheduled to take MAJORITY SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Nancy Pelosi (second in line to be president of the United States) to Afghanistan. NO ONE EVER TELLS ANYONE OF ANY PLANNED TRIPS TO A WAR ZONE. Except of course for the petulant Putin puppet who does all he can to undermine sabotage attack hobble cripple destroy the security of the United States of America. There is nothing more certain of his mindset and goals than that he should make very happy his mentor handler boss. No matter the cost . Make America Great Again my a**! An empty slogan. Too bad.
The formal basis for the State of the Union Address is from the U.S. Constitution:
Though Pelosi (D-Calif.) invited Trump to give the annual address on Jan. 29, she had not pushed through the legislation necessary to make it happen. It’s not unusual for the speaker to wait until a few days before the speech to file what’s called a “concurrent resolution” that sets the day and time of the traditional speech. The measure must be passed by both chambers.
If Pelosi doesn’t file the resolution, there will be no presidential address before Congress. In her letter, Pelosi suggested that Trump could send his speech in writing to Capitol Hill. She later said he could also deliver it to the American people from the Oval Office.
So as I said she made the first attack by effectively not inviting or disinviting the President from delivering the SOTU in the House chamber.