Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » Are there certain brands and/or types of mouthwash that recovering alcoholics should avoid due to alcoholic content? ~

Are there certain brands and/or types of mouthwash that recovering alcoholics should avoid due to alcoholic content? ~

Posted - January 25, 2019


  • 44518
    The ones that contain alcohol, obviously. They're OK if they don't drink it.
      January 25, 2019 7:54 AM MST

  • 7938
    This is actually a really good question even though it seems odd. Generally speaking, addicts of any type should avoid any kind of addictive substance, but the real question is whether someone's in deep enough that they'd resort to mouthwash. Your average person isn't likely to make the connection that mouthwash= alcohol. Even in many alcoholics, there's likely no risk at all of having a relapse because they're using mouthwash. However, the degree to which the disease has affected them and their motivations for not drinking matter too. i.e. If you have a teenager who is drinking and the parents remove all alcohol, there's likely a greater risk he or she will go for the mouthwash. If you have an adult who has made the mindful choice to give up booze and has cleared the house, mouthwash probably won't trigger a relapse unless he/ she has a history of sourcing substances through odd means. Someone who's choice was beer or wine probably isn't going to switch to mouthwash. Probably. But, at the same time, when someone has been triggered and they want to drink, that bottle could well be their gateway back to drinking. Just having it present in the home is a bad idea for that reason. The alcohol content doesn't really matter. Chances are, they'll drink whatever it is if it has any alcohol in it at all, and the more they consume, the greater the likelihood of complications and death. So, it doesn't really matter if it has a high alcohol content or not. If they're proactive, they shouldn't keep anything containing alcohol in the home. 

    All that being said, alcohol-based mouthwashes aren't good for anyone anyway. They dry out your oral tissues. Plus, there are some murmurs of it possibly increasing the risk of oral cancers. If you feel you must use mouthwash, even as someone who has never had an issue with alcohol, it's better to go with a non-alcohol variety. If I was going to take it a step further, I'd actually say mouthwash is unnecessary. It kills the good and bad bacteria in your mouth and upsets the natural balance. If you're brushing and flossing and keeping up with your regular dental visits, you should have fresh breath anyway. Throwing a tongue scraper in the mix can help as well.
      January 25, 2019 9:56 AM MST

  • 53328

      "Odd" question???  Grrrrr.

      January 25, 2019 10:44 AM MST

  • 17554
    Any that contain alcohol.
      January 25, 2019 3:21 PM MST