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How many outstanding warrants do you currently have going on? It's popular now. It's the Presidential thang. A few charges at least?

Posted - February 10, 2019


  • I have none .. but I do like to stay current.  I might do some heavy duty jaywalking today.  :)
    (By the way, I love your new name!!) 
      February 10, 2019 5:16 AM MST

  • 46117
    It changes a LOT since I have to cover a lot of creeps and heroes.
      February 10, 2019 6:42 AM MST

  • Yes .. it's a full time job to do that anymore.  
      February 10, 2019 7:24 AM MST

  • 5391
    Also none, ...alas, I’m resigned to never being very popular. Woe is me. 
      February 10, 2019 5:48 AM MST

  • 46117
    That's a good thing to not be popular about.  

    It costs money and jail time if you are.
      February 10, 2019 6:43 AM MST

  • 16618
    None outstanding. A few minor traffic violations (paid) and one arrest but I was released from that one without charge.
      February 10, 2019 6:04 AM MST

  • 46117
    Good.  Clean as a whistle.  Run for President.
      February 10, 2019 6:41 AM MST

  • Our first Aussie President.  :)  Maybe it's time!!
      February 10, 2019 7:24 AM MST

  • 46117
    I was HOPING you'd move here.  You'd be a shoo-in compared to what is served up now.
      February 10, 2019 7:26 AM MST

  • 6988
    The law enforcement folks around here OWE ME some 'get out of jail free' cards for directing them to the bad guys.  Really bad guys.
      February 10, 2019 6:53 AM MST

  • 46117
    Why don't I trust your motives?
      February 10, 2019 7:27 AM MST