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Have you ever had a life changing epiphany that involved you making the decision to change nothing in your life?

Posted - February 14, 2019


  • I’m not that deep so yes, probably.

      February 14, 2019 7:40 AM MST

  • It's this beautiful lazy sort of reset.  You know you're a messed up person....but you don't want to put in the work to fix it.  So you just say "I'm going to just accept that I'm messed up!" and go on with your day of pissing people off. 
      February 14, 2019 7:42 AM MST

  • Oh! Then yes. I do that all the time lol. 
      February 14, 2019 7:43 AM MST

  • 10026
    I was thinking "big word."  I'm not sure if I know how to respond.
    I'm going to look it up and then do so..
    Nice Face by the way.
      February 14, 2019 2:46 PM MST

  • Lol :) you’ve seen my Face a million times -_- what’s big word?? This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 14, 2019 2:52 PM MST
      February 14, 2019 2:49 PM MST

  • 10026
    Have I ever told you that Julia Roberts and her iconic big lips and face make a statement?  Well, I am now... And you have a "Great Face" In stating how you feel.  AWESOME!
      February 14, 2019 2:55 PM MST

  • Oh lol. You probably did tell me but knowing me ... I forgot ;)
      February 14, 2019 2:57 PM MST

  • 4624
    Yep - a few years ago - the realisation that just deeply accepting my life exactly as it is
    was all I needed to create contentment and happiness.
    Now it's just a matter of dealing with the necessities as they arise.
      February 14, 2019 8:37 AM MST

  • 46117
    I love me just the way I am?

    Yeah.  Probably.
      February 14, 2019 11:27 AM MST

  • 5835

    Dictionary result for epiphany

    noun: Epiphany; noun: epiphany; plural noun: epiphanies
    1. the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi (Matthew 2:1–12).
      • the festival commemorating the Epiphany on January 6.
      a manifestation of a divine or supernatural being.

      I don't understand the question.

      And how do I get out of this goofy typing mode?
      February 14, 2019 12:36 PM MST

  • 46117
    Get your nose out of the bible or whatever you are looking at and see what Webster says.

    An epiphany by its very nature, is life-changing.   Oooops  actually you ARE right.  Even Webster's defines the word using the Jesus reference.  Ok.  You win. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at February 14, 2019 2:56 PM MST
      February 14, 2019 12:38 PM MST

  • Here is the rest of the definition from Webster's.  In the case of this question look to #3. 

    2an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being
    3a(1)a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something
    (2)an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking
    (3)an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure
    ba revealing scene or moment
      February 14, 2019 1:09 PM MST

  • 5835
    We see that dictionary editors don't know what 'manifestation' means, and they don't know that Christ was never manifested to the Magi, and they don't know that Christ was not a divine being until much later. So we have an awful lot of people who apparently don't know their business.
      February 14, 2019 7:00 PM MST

  • 46117
    Do I have information coming to my mind and eyes that lead me to think I am on the right path?

    Sometimes.  There are no guarantees, are there? 
      February 14, 2019 12:55 PM MST

  • 7939
    After my divorce, yes. I was in a weird space because I had largely focused my life on fulfilling my role as a wife/ domestic goddess, and then that role vaporized. Anyone who has ever experienced a divorce, death, or other catastrophic event that involved eliminating a big part of their identity probably knows exactly what I mean. You have the option to totally reinvent yourself because you're not bound by expectations or roles anymore. For me, it was particularly exciting because there were so many options. For the first time in my life, I really felt like I could do anything I wanted or be anyone I wanted to be. I started down about a hundred different paths, and then realized I liked things mostly as they were. lol I liked having the options and the freedom, and that was enough for me.
      February 14, 2019 1:11 PM MST

  • Sometimes just knowing you can is enough isn't it?  Could you go and be spontaneous today without risk of too much consequence?  Sure....but meh...why get out of bed, lol. 
      February 14, 2019 1:17 PM MST

  • 10026
    I'm not sure if this is going through.  I got the message it wouldn't; however, if it does, here is my thought:
    Your Spirits and your soul will go when you die.  Why worry about it now?  Why not make the best that you can and help others in doing so?
    All is good, if you allow yourself to be.
      February 14, 2019 2:51 PM MST