Some people find it harder than others to use in moderation. Sugar is addictive just like alcohol. Some can handle liquor, others can't - sugar is the same.
Everybody has willpower - we just choose how to use it. And once you start feeling the benefits of eating things that are good for you, you don't really need willpower.
I usually have three or more flavors of ice cream, all of which I make myself. I almost always have rice pudding on hand, and quite often I will make pumpkin pie in single serving cups. I have Anchor Hocking glass cups with silicon rubber lids so I can make foods and divide them into single servings for storage. My favorite trick is the Dream Pie recipe on the back of the Dream Whip box. I make that in a bowl and use it for whipped topping.
Good cinnamon is rare. Cinnamon used to be grown in Vietnam, but the Americans killed all the trees and they have not been able to regrow them. The world is making do with cassia, which is similar but not very good.