Brave. Intrepid. MANLY. His name is William Weld. One among how many zillion of the trumpican genus? (NO not genius...genus). The prodon mastodons* are all girly men too weak and wimpy to step up, speak out, go on the record. They're all scairdy cats skeered of their own shadows. This is the best ya got? Seriously? Sheesh.
So maybe between NOW and before the too-late-to-run date a couple more REPUBLICANS with their manhood intact and spines of steel will step up speak up and run for prez. Whatcha think? What are the odds of that happening?
Meanwhile think some prodon devotee already put out a hit on Weld? I'm just sayin'.
*mastodons are ELEPHANT-LIKE mammals. EXTINCT! If the shoe fits. Think the trumpican prodon will become extinct? Just askin'.