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Discussion » Questions » Family » What would you do, react, or say if your father hit you as an adult?

What would you do, react, or say if your father hit you as an adult?

A. Report him to police/abuse, B. Punch /hit back, C. Wait till things die down and say nothing, D. Talk to him about how it is unacceptable, or E. Say nothing anymore to him until you can get out..

I have done a mix of D and E, although I truly think, I should have done A. I just say nothing to him until I can have the money and clear mind to get out ..

Posted - August 26, 2016


  • 1138

    It is ok T.. truly. I do like planning exit strategy.. the thing that holds me back is , the perpetual abuse,for years, that made me believe I'm nothing/incapable, irresponsible, etc yet, I know, this was done by a very ill woman- who lies, threatens, belittles. Yet my subconscious still thinks what do I know? who am I? and I won't have any fam. member to really rely on (if I financially ever needed).. and to try to stay incontact w/my dad who has hit me b/c I said the truth about her????? It just seems not good.. so I am sad, and I feel alone.... but I am trying to find a good therapist, so that might help... ty so much T

      September 6, 2016 8:20 PM MDT

  • 489
    I'll pack up my stuff and get out of there. They need me more than I need them.
      September 6, 2016 8:26 PM MDT