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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Espousing a religion does not automatically confer goodness on anyone. Those who think it does are sadly very wrong. Are you one of them?

Espousing a religion does not automatically confer goodness on anyone. Those who think it does are sadly very wrong. Are you one of them?

Posted - March 1, 2019


  • 14795
    All but one or two religions are harmless and care a lot for nature and out enviroment.....all others with no exceptions were only thought of as the most effective way of controlling the masses.... 
    Dont believe and you get your head chopped of  beaten into submission to these many imaginary beings that no ones ever seen...
    Its funny how rape and child molestation goes hand in hand with religion...No high ups in any church seek out these dirty creeps....
    Funny also how there is so many big wigs comming to light and yet they still are not sacked by their churches....
    How does religions invest billions in weapons manafacture and still have people believe in them ? 
      March 1, 2019 3:26 AM MST

  • 113301
    I don't know about other churches but the CATHOLIC church is a haven for pedophiles and their enablers/facilitators. STILL! AFTER ALL THESE DECADES! STILL. It is disgusting and shocking. It is what it is. It attracts the defective depraved degenerate. They KNOW they will get away with it and when caught they KNOW they will be protected. Protection should be reserved for the children who are the victims but it isn't. It is reserved for the perps. How that is GODLY I do not know. How there can still be defenders I cannot fathom. Thank you for your thought reply D and Happy Friday to thee. I wish I knew the answer to your question but I'm as shocked and disgusted as thee! :(
      March 1, 2019 3:59 AM MST