Y'all really do love the worst people. Liverwurst would be better to love. Supporting a tyrant's tirades with no regard to the evil hurtful words he says means you are him or ya wanna be him. I pity your children for surely they will replicate you and model after you and think as you do and strike out as you do wantonly promiscously viciously hatefully. Good job. Good on y'all. Be proud of what you are. If not you who will be?
She lamented that visa-overstay problems had not been fixed and said that "both parties are to blame." After some applause, she began listing Republicans she thinks are responsible for ongoing immigration issues.
"And yes, I'm looking at you, retired Paul Ryan. And yes, I'm looking at you, Mitch McConnell. And yes, I'm looking at you, Bush family. And yes, I'm looking at you, the ghost of John McCain," she said, pointing to the sky.
At least, she did not point down when she mentioned McCain.