Discussion » Questions » Family » How do i deal with all these calls on my birthday from people in my family that will only call once a yr, and also noone to hang with either?

How do i deal with all these calls on my birthday from people in my family that will only call once a yr, and also noone to hang with either?

       I go thru this every birthday and it gets old. I get called from people in my family like my brothers who will only call me once a yr and ignore me the rest of the yr, literally, and yes ive tried emailing them in between but they get bored with it and quit. some dont even call at all, others like my aunt and uncle will just send a facebook message since my aunt got facebook now, i find that disappointing cause theyre getting older and theyre in south america where i was born but i want to talk to them, not just get a facebook message, they're almost 90 so i have no idea how many more times i'll be able to talk to them anyways, they call my twin sister cause she dont have facebook, i have a half sister that i havent heard from in 3 yrs but calls my sister all the time. others will call my twin but wont call me, and some wont call at all.  Im just tired of taking calls from people that will only call cause of a date on the calendar but not cause they care. none of them will send me a card either, except for my twin, i dont want money in it but a card wouldve been nice.

        My twin lives in a different state and im out of work so i cant just go there. I have no friends hardly to hang with , noone ever asks me over, not even neighbors, and definitely not in church. they ask everyone else to do stuff with them but never ask me. i know cause ive heard them talk about it. and dont say go to another church, been there and done that. its the same story no matter where i go, they dont even want to sit with me and yes i shower. im wondering if i should just stay home to be honest just as to not get disappointed when noone says lets go out to eat, my treat kind of stuff. i might get a card if im lucky, the church keeps track of birthdays. i would go out to avoid the phone calls but then they call the next day plus being a sunday theres no buses, my friend offered to reimburse me for cab fare if i wanted to go out but i dont want to go by myself, thats not as much fun. any suggestions? im tired of dealing with this every yr, it gets old

Posted - August 27, 2016


  • let me just admit up front, i didn't read the body of your post, just the question.

    i would turn off my ringer, check for messages and text a short message back saying you're not up to talking, but thanks for the birthday wishes just the same. =)

    birthdays can be a pain in the rump!

    btw, if today is your birthday... Happy Birthday, pearl!!! and many returns of the day! =)

      August 27, 2016 8:00 PM MDT

  • 11420

    Not sure what of what helpful thing to say except maybe happy birthday and many many more. Cheers and happy weekend!

      August 27, 2016 8:07 PM MDT

  • 22891

    i know but i cant get on the net if i turn my ringer off

      August 27, 2016 8:29 PM MDT

  • 22891


      August 27, 2016 8:29 PM MDT

  • ahhh.. well, ignore the ringer, but not them. it will suck, but you will live. send short msgs back, to be polite.

    birthdays are often spent making others feel good about remembering you. you might miss it, if it didn't happen at all. i wouldn't, though. i've always tried to make it a day of my very own. of course, i still have to anser my mother's call, but everyone else knows to text by now.

    it's your birthday. do what you want!

      August 27, 2016 8:35 PM MDT

  • 46117

    I would ignore you too if all I get back is you making me feel guilty.   I think you need counseling and a group of people who feel just like you do.  No one is this lonely for no reason.   You need to find out what you are doing wrong.  I told you that you seem nice enough.   You need to find a counselor and find a group of people who need to fit in better.

    Happy Birthday, by the way.  And NO one calls me on my birthday ever.  So, do not feel that badly and I am kind of popular.  LOL


      August 27, 2016 8:45 PM MDT

  • 1002

    I've stopped answering the phone to people who do that or only call because they want something... Like money.

      August 27, 2016 9:30 PM MDT