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What’s your favourite memory with your dad?

Mine is when we went on a fishing trip when I was about 5 years old. We had these stupid hats that said ’dad‘ and ‘kid’. I caught this little sunfish and told him I wanted to take it home and cook it and eat it up. So when got home he said he took it to a special place to have it cleaned and battered. The next day he showed up for dinner with four portions of fish and chips for my mother, sister, him and myself. I was proud as’ faak I fed  the whole family with my little fish. I didn’t figure out until probably my 20’s that he just bought it at a local fish& chip place.... I’m rambley tonight. That’s fine. 

Posted - March 7, 2019


  • 17492
    The memory of him running along with me while I was learning to ride a bike. 
      March 8, 2019 12:01 AM MST

  • Nice :)
      March 8, 2019 9:25 AM MST

  • I was 18 when my Mom died.  A few months later, it was Father's Day and I wanted to do something for my Dad.  He was a lifelong Chicago Cubs fan ... so I got tickets for a game for us.  I somehow managed to get front row box seats over the Cubs' dugout.  He was so excited .. just like a little kid.  Very nice to see him smile at that sad time in our lives.  
      March 8, 2019 3:39 AM MST

  • Very sweet :)
      March 8, 2019 9:25 AM MST

  • Yours is too.  :)
      March 8, 2019 9:28 AM MST

  • I was feeling nostalgic last night :)
      March 8, 2019 9:29 AM MST

  • Aw ... I'm sure your Dad would be happy you were thinking about him. 

      March 8, 2019 9:32 AM MST

  • 6098
    "Children play on puppet stages prepared by parents' hard-earned wages."

    My most fond memories of my father were when he would get home he would bring some gadget to show me and explain how it worked and what it was for to me.  I don't know how much I learned about the world but it was mostly the closeness because he was never closer to me where it was just about me with him.  He was gone a lot selling and to make up for that he would on occasion whisk me out of school and have us driven into New York City where he would take me to a restaurant and/or to a Broadway show.  Once when I was about 13 or so he took me to the Copacabana nightclub - in the days when they has top flight acts and men there asked me to dance which was the first time anyone had done that so very a very heady experience.  Perhaps you remember that old song - At the Copa which was written a few years later about that nightclub.  He had a hard life but he loved me very much although he didn't really know how to relate to a daughter. 
      March 8, 2019 6:52 AM MST

  • Nice, thanks for sharing and yes I remember the song :)
      March 8, 2019 9:27 AM MST

  • 46117
    So many.

    I remember sitting on a seat in my dad's Chevy around 1954.  He was driving and whistling to himself.  It was just a memory I keep in my head for some reason.  It was totally peaceful and we were just cruisin' along.
      March 8, 2019 9:28 AM MST

  • Nice :)
      March 8, 2019 9:28 AM MST

  • 22891
    going places like the beach with hinn
      March 8, 2019 11:46 AM MST

  • Nice :)
      March 8, 2019 12:49 PM MST

  • 2327
    Watching movies with him. Going on vacations, visiting castles. 
      March 8, 2019 11:54 AM MST

  • Castles?
      March 8, 2019 12:49 PM MST

  • 2327
    Ruined castles in Wales. 
      March 8, 2019 4:44 PM MST

  • That sounds amazing, I’m jealous :)
      March 9, 2019 5:17 AM MST

  • 1438
    When i was a teen, and sometimes he would invest time to play a board game with me on the kitchen table.... whether it was monopoly , or 'risk' , we played some board games for a few hours , . i dont know, its like a good memory of him playing with me .
      March 8, 2019 12:05 PM MST

  • Yep, game nights are a good memory.
      March 8, 2019 12:50 PM MST

  • 21
    It was a few days before I got married. He took me out for a drink and dinner just to talk. Well, I drank and he didn't. Then we sang karaoke together. 
      March 9, 2019 3:51 AM MST

  • Nice, kareoke’s Fun. Can’t say I ever did that with a parent though. 
      March 9, 2019 5:18 AM MST

  • 21
    I hadn't either. It was an interesting experience.
      March 10, 2019 9:31 AM MDT

  • Sounds fun. 
      March 10, 2019 10:03 AM MDT