Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Real life friends. Are those whom you neet on an internet social site any different from those you see face-to-face in your "real" lives?
I have more friends here than in my "real" life R. I'm basically shy and a loner. Always have been. I need solitude and space and alone time. I do have a few close friends...the closest of whom is Jim and my sister and brother-in-law though family shouldn't really count. I mean isn't that a given? Maybe not. I'll ask. At any rate at this stage after having started off on Answerbag in 2005 I do have some folks I love dearly and sincerely whom I shall never meet face to face. So what? It matters not. Through the years sometimes we get a little testy or snippy but it passes and is forgotten. This is the way I socialize. We live in a retirement community where there is a great deal of activity and a clubhouse and a newletter. Jim belongs to the golf club and attends occasional additional functions. We have lived here since November 2007 and I have NEVER ONCE gone to the clubhouse and socialized. I have no interest in it. Now could there be potential friends there? Sure. But here on Answermug I come and go as I please and I don't have to explain myself to anyone. I don't want to get involved with neighbors. I've been there and done that and it doesn't always end well. We have dear friend across the street but she is also a SCOPIO so we understand each other. Sorry for the lengthy explanation. Thank you for your reply. It's peculilar. Unicorn Man crops up in conversation on occasion. I think you may remember that my Answerbag avatar was a unicorn mom and her kid. I cannot recall ever once chatting with him. Odd that. :) Years ago Answerbag had a party at Stable Boy's home in Yorba Linda which we attended. I met a few folks there none of whom are here . :)