Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» So you really ARE smarter than others? Do you need to prove it all the time to everyone? Can't you just let it go?
The other day, I discovered some of my old grade cards from school. I was a horrible student. Math? forget it! There were kids in my classes who were always on the 'Honor Roll'. They had all A & B grades. For several years, I dated a girl who was all A grades, and she would get very angry with a B grade. To her, less than perfection was unacceptable. She went on to be a computer whiz at a local bank.
I LOVED School bh. I loved learning. My mom used to "play school" with me when I was 3. Not kidding. So when I went to Nursery School I expected the teacher to teach me something. I expected to sit in a chair at a desk with paper and pencil. All they did was play and "nap" and eat snacks. Well I told my mother I was not going back there! Of course I did but I never really got "into" what was going on. Maybe that was my first experience with being "a loner". I had no interest in what the others were doing and I was BORED TO DEATH. Bad memories. So much for nursery school. I skipped a couple of grades later on. I liked the first two weeks of summer but then I'd count the days of summer dwindling away waiting for school to begin again. Thank you for your reply! :)