That's pretty interesting... I never heard of that study. Thanks for the link... and Ole Svenson have the same initials :)
I stand, I get by. This is more a test in humility, people that say they know they're smarter have no humility and are probably narcissists, people that say they think they're smarter, aren't. But at least have some humility.
I am average.
Of course, the extreme version of this is the Dunning-Kruger effect...;-D...
Don't mind me...
IDK.. I do rate myself as having common sense (the ability to think and behave in a reasonable way and to make good decisions, most times) Where that ranks me IDK..
Mugger OS answer (Lake Wobegon effect) is you said..
I don't know. I heard ravens were very smart
I'm certified, too
Excellent logic
Hello Goat:
I yam the britist of them all.
Nowhere in this question. I don't live in America. Lol:)
Hah! )
brank you!
I think I can be dumber than some at times, lol.
I honestly don't know. Sometimes I think I'm at least average, but there is a lot of evidence to the contrary. I know I'm very dumb about a lot of things: math, computer science, organization, measuring, not spilling milk, using a tool of any kind to cut a straight line, etc.
i know i am