Ha! He's gone through numerous hedgehogs. Tom "passes away" just last month. Poor guy had no feet and was completely bald. He lost his squeaky "voice" just a few months after coming here. It was just a few days after his whiskers suddenly vanished. I've had to perform "back surgery" (sew) on him several times (major lacerations). But, alas, when his feet fell off I knew it was his time. Pam, Joe, Bart, Darth and others had gone in much the the same way (may they rest in pieces). I won't even tell you what he does to ducks!
Have you ever heard the noise baby hedge hogs make.....They Honk so loud when they feel threatened....it's hard to belive such a noise comes from such a tiny thing......:)
Sure it does. It also has to do with my question about Hog Weed. And I got that from Amber's HOGWEED question.
So, we are family.
We cannot think without each other any longer.
But I digress. I would name my hedge hog Queen Elizabeth. Cute, but basically does not do much.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 5, 2019 10:36 PM MDT