Discussion » Statements » The President wants you to believe that cruelty rather than compassion is needed at the border. WE need immigrants. THIS IS STUPID.

The President wants you to believe that cruelty rather than compassion is needed at the border. WE need immigrants. THIS IS STUPID.

Posted - April 7, 2019


  • 6477
    Everything he does is stupid.. why should this be any different.. Oh yea because these are people we are talking about, real live human beings.. Sadly that doesn't seem to make any difference to Strumpet in his childish tiz and scaremongering about immigrants
      April 7, 2019 11:57 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Let it out, kid, I hear ya.
      April 7, 2019 12:52 PM MDT

  • 1441
    yeah kinda ambitious project and stupid too 
      April 7, 2019 12:17 PM MDT

  • 35083
    Yes, we need immigrants. LEGAL ones.
    Allowing people to sneak into the country illegally or catch and release is NOT compassion. It is cruel. It sets those poor people up to be abused. They cannot work legally, they cannot protect themselves legally. It causes them to be used and mistreated. Slave labor to forced to work for little wage and then still cheated out of it but cannot fight it. So left to slave labor or crime.  Such a compassionate choice...not. It is mean and evil to allow that to go on. 

    Let them apply legally and then they can come in and work at a real shot at the American Dream. 
      April 7, 2019 2:14 PM MDT