Discussion»Questions»answerMug» Exactly where is it written in the Terms of Service or any other listed rules that no one can post on Rosie's Corner except Rosie?
The admins and mods will move your post from one category to another if/when they don’t like where you’ve put it, and they might also “edit” your content for AnswerMugial Correctness.
This post was edited by Randy D at April 12, 2019 12:30 PM MDT
I get messages from them on an ongoing basis. I don't know why they bother because I do not care. I told them to take whatever I say and take it off any time they want to. WHO CARES. This is not the Washington Post and I am not getting paid for my content which I am sure most people do not even read.
I didn't mean I post in any category. I mean I say what I want and if it does not meet the guidelines, they are probably right to take it where it needs to go.
I don't try and mess up the categories. What is the point of that?