Discussion»Questions»Politics» Let's see. Trump just decided to MAKE UP the fact that daddy was born in Germany. Is the fact that his mom was a jakal also a lie?
What difference does it make to one living in his own freeform delusions? What need is there to embrace reality at any point, when one can shamelessly lie to suit any situation? Particularly in the light of his no-less-deluded disciples refusing to hold him to account for it.
You know in the OMEN the son of Satan was brought into the world by a jackal?
I am positive this is true of Donnie. I think his old man screwed a jackal and this was the result. It fits with the Apocalypse so nicely and really do you think there will be much of a world left if he gets re-elected? That is IT folks. There will not even be anywhere to move and run to.
If you look closely, you can see the signs clearly. Part Jackal. It's the wild hairs he and his daddy sport.
President Trump's parents were probably not much different then most parents, although, his parents actually did something. They were entrepreneurs who established numerous businesses and created jobs for many people. And President Trump has followed in their wake. They are a true part of "The American Dream."
Here's the difference: The Trumps (and wealthy entrepreneurs like them) have established many businesses which have created numerous jobs for many people. Our government, on the other hand, does nothing but wreak havoc and take OUR money.