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Do you have some sort of favorite happenstance? One of mine is . . .

 . . . listening to music on the car radio and then seeing someone walking in rhythm to the song, even though the person obviously doesn't hear the music.


It just happened earlier this evening for me -- while stopped at a traffic signal, I saw a lone college-aged male walking to "Every Morning" by Sugar Ray. And he walked a good long while in rhythm to the song! Ha! He had a very steady pace.

(The actual song, in the video, starts at the 0:15 mark)

Posted - April 12, 2019


  • 3523
    Sometimes our West Minister chimes will go off during music we may be listening to.  Occasionally,, the music will be in the same key.  Once it was also in the same rythm, rytthm, rythhm, rythmm, what ever.  How do spell that word, you know?  Yeah, the tempo.  Now that was amazing.  You could compose something truly original by combining sounds like that.  YOU, not me.  I can't write a word of it.  No, I take that back.  I'm writing a symphony.  Yeah, me.  Well, it's called the Unstarted Symphony.  You get the picture. This post was edited by CallMeIshmael at April 13, 2019 3:21 PM MDT
      April 12, 2019 8:57 PM MDT

  • 23714
    "R h y t h m "

    I have to think slowly every time I spell it, ha!

    Yes, what you mention about the chimes and music you're listening to -- stuff like that, I enjoy.

    And speaking of symphonies!
    -- this one fascinates me. I've been posting one of the songs from it a lot on the site here lately but I bet you might like this since I know you and I have liked a lot of the same music. I'll post the entire symphony. It takes 50 minutes to watch/listen. I highly recommend watching it all in order while you listen -- the visuals/the music/the visuals and music together - - fascinating to me. And Sharonna on the site here - - she saw the song I posted from it and she said "Very cool." That's a perfect description to me for that song and the entire symphony. The song I've been posting from this symphony is "Rockin' Back Inside My Heart."

    Anyway, I hope you can watch and listen.

    It was released in 1990.
    David Lynch directed it.
    Angelo Badalamenti wrote the music.
    Julee Cruise is the singer.

    "Industrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Brokenhearted"

    (it starts out with a short scene featuring Laura Dern and Nicholas Cage; and if you watch/listen, pay close attention to this scene -- it comes back later in the symphony in a VERY "cool" way to me -- yup, I realize that may be a minor Plot Spoiler, ha! Oh, well.)

    If you do listen/watch, feel free to let me know what you think.

    EDIT: And I KNEW it!!!!!!!!!!!!  - - grrrr!!  I went through all this typing (typing is  a challenge for me to do; I make lots of typos and have to continually correct) and the video won't post. I'll go and try to get the link andyou could maybe 'click' on it. And if you don't want to click, the video is very easily found in Youtube under the title/info I posted here.

    EDIT #2 : Oh, and the first words Julee Cruise sings in the first song are "I fell for you baby. Like a bomb."  (And I believe this was before some other song that I can't stand, uses almost the same words, in fact, I think it's the title of that song by some group)

    The link to the symphony:

    EDIT #3 -- I officially give up -- even the link will not post. If you're interested in it, you'll have to go look it up in youtube. Sorry.

    EDIT #4 -- that other song I was thinking about is The Gap Band's "You Dropped a Bomb on Me" -- I've never liked tat song.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at April 13, 2019 3:42 PM MDT
      April 13, 2019 3:32 PM MDT

  • 6477
    You are way more observant than most of us! 
      April 13, 2019 2:16 AM MDT

  • 23714
    Ha!, I'll take that as a compliment! Ha!

    In some ways, I guess I have my dad to thank -- I specifically remember a a young boy, sitting in a car, parked in a school parking lot, and my dad had the car radio on --  and he pointed to someone and said, "Look -- she's walking in rhythm to this song."
    Because my family moved a lot while I was growing up, and I remember what school parking lot this was, I know I was eight years old or younger.  I've always remembered that little moment.

    Good to see you, Adaydreambeliever.
      April 13, 2019 3:46 PM MDT