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What fictional character’s death devastated you?

Posted - May 2, 2019


  • If you get a chance, check it out.. Conroy is a master of describing the pangs of unrequited love as well as the pain of betrayal.
      May 5, 2019 1:10 PM MDT

  • Okay thank you :) I’ll add it to my list. 
      May 5, 2019 1:46 PM MDT

  • 23846
    Thriftymaid, in this thread, recommended Conroy's "Beach Music" on the site more than once- - I read it on her recommendation. It was fabulous to me. It's the only one of his I've read.

    I see in your profile that you like southern literature writers -- I don't know if that wold include Flannery O'Connor but I remember the first thing I ever read by her - - "Good Country People." I was completely blown away. I think I've read everything of hers that's been published. To me, few authors so accurately 'nail' the ins -and-outs of humankind. Shirley Jackson I admire, too, along those lines.

    I sort of butted in here on the thread. This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at May 7, 2019 1:18 PM MDT
      May 7, 2019 1:17 PM MDT

  • 23846
    Edith Bunker
      May 5, 2019 9:26 PM MDT

  • Ahhhh I didn’t know she dies on that show, yeah that would be sad:(
      May 6, 2019 9:12 AM MDT

  • 23846
    I never saw the entire episode --  her death happened on one of the follow-up/spinoff series after "All in the Family" ended -- "Archie Bunker's Place." Her death all happened offscreen, I guess. Edith died in her sleep, I believe.
      May 6, 2019 7:13 PM MDT

  • 23846
    Yeah, for being a completely fictional character, Edith created a big, helpful impact on me. I admire her greatly.
      May 7, 2019 8:04 AM MDT

  •   I didn’t watch that show much because before my time, but I know I’ve seen episodes on retro TV and I know who the characters are.
    Did you know that ABC is doing a one time live reboot of All In The Family later this month? Woody Harrison is playing Archie and Marisa Tomei is playing Edith. I can’t imagine that will go over well because those characters are so iconic. I don’t think anyone else should play them and I didn’t even really watch the show.  

      May 7, 2019 9:03 AM MDT

  • 23846
    I hadn't heard that, no.
    I can see Woody as Archie more than I can see Marisa as Edith. I do like both Woody and Marisa.

    Yeah, over time, I've  seen the entire "All in the Family" TV show. The writing was superb. The cast was great, too, yeah.
    Edith, even when I started watching the show at a pretty young age, (subconsciously) I picked up on her incredible "People-Smartness" quality - - and her true love and respect for other people. Often people she didn't even know - - she still "saw" the person inside. 
    I don't know -- at least, that's what I've always seen in her. I saw in her much more than what everyone else always seemed to say about her - - that she was dim-witted and on the stupid side.

      May 7, 2019 1:09 PM MDT

  • 22891
    none since theyre not real
      May 13, 2019 4:45 PM MDT