I've had the same screen name since 2007 on three sites. I think I've left it the same so if others from other sites would recognize me. Until recently, I didn't know that it could mean something else. If I change it, what could I change it to?
No you have a wonderful name. And very honest. Many of us were ( and perhaps sometimes still are, "easy" and so by some people were looked at rather askance. If not positively rejected. I think we need to own that and understand why that was so important for us. I have been explaining that on the net for ten years!
If you feel your screen name gives a wrong impression, then by all means, change it. You can keep it close to what you have if you want to be recognized. Something like 'Jolene' or Easygoing Jolene' or Easy J, depending on what part of the name you are not happy with.