Some people are so crazy. A town I used to live in won't even acknowledge him at public meetings and at Memorial Day celebration won't read the Presidential proclamation!
I admit I truly have a tough time looking at him and listening to him because I find his speaking voice/speaking style and mannerisms really off-putting and irritating. I disagree with much of what he says and how he says it. And, most of the time, to me, he comes across as arrogant.
First of all, he doesn't talk, he brays like an A$$ and when words come out, it sounds like his name, which means "fart" in your neck of the woods.
Secondly, there is nothing to listen to. Not one word. He says nothing new, he lies about what he says and he is a total lamebrain. I would rather hear him interpreted from someone else than actually have to watch his fat body prancing around acting like he really knows what he is talking about. What a joke of a person.
I have known a guy for many years who is actually trumpier than Donald Trump but he's only a bum and always will be. I like to watch Donald Trump sometimes just to compare how much them two are so much alike in their personalities. Amazing.