Discussion » Questions » Military » What is a common misconception that some people have about World War Two? ~

What is a common misconception that some people have about World War Two? ~

Posted - May 8, 2019


  • 22891
    that it shouldnt have happened
      May 9, 2019 4:56 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Ok.  But that is not a misconception.  That is what people all over the world think.  
      May 13, 2019 12:56 PM MDT

  • 1893
    It was predicted in 1919 by General Foche no less when he looked at the Treaty of Versailles.  He was only off by 2-3 months......
      May 13, 2019 5:43 PM MDT

  • 1893
    Randy where do you want me to start. 

    Common -

    FDR knew about the Pearl Harbor attack before it happened.  Arrogance, racism, and not knowing the Japanese mindset all contributed to an intelligence failure.  similar to 9/11

    German Heer (Wehrmacht) was totally mobile aka armor & mechanized.  In reality 80% of the Heer (Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, and Kriegsmarine) depended on horse transport

    Not so common -

    The German Blitz thru France via the Ardenne was unexpected.
      DeGaulle 2 years earlier predicted & proved same in French War Games.

    Germany almost developed the A-Bomb.  Heisenberg was deliberately sabotaging the  German research to keep Germany from developing the bomb

    This post was edited by Archerchef at May 13, 2019 12:56 PM MDT
      May 13, 2019 12:51 PM MDT

  • 46117
    That all Germans are evil Nazis and should have known better and stood up to Hitler.  

    That is as ludicrous as saying all Americans are Nazis and should stand up to TRUMP.  

    It is insidious.  It doesn't happen overnight.  Just like cancer.  
      May 13, 2019 12:57 PM MDT

  • 1893
    Not all Germans were Nazi's is correct.  The cult of the Nazi was promoted by the industrialist much like our Global Elites promoting other things say Globalism...........

    I had forebears who were Nazi, and others who were not.  Family get togethers used to be uniques events, luckily that generation are dying off.  Now the Millennial's have not learned a thing which is truly tragic and Trump though I do not like him is not the Bogeyman. 

    Others are evil, truly  and I am observing a crucible of evil breeding evil and that which spawned over 400 death camps.  I have the remains of one less than 130 Km from my house.
      May 13, 2019 5:49 PM MDT

  • 6098
    That their fathers fought in it?    Mine did not, was too young. 
      May 13, 2019 7:46 PM MDT

  • 53573

      Wait, what?  It's a common misconception among some people that their fathers fought in World War Two?  Really?
      May 13, 2019 8:24 PM MDT

  • 14795
    You will never know the actual truth about any war as the victor writes all most all History books....
    England has raped the world for centuries on the orders of our wonderful so called royal families.....
    Might is right and wars have pushed forward most all medical,mechanical,construal,electronic,telecommunications, farming and any other thing you can think of.....
    Fear controls every country in the world and industrialist and politicians all know this and use it as a means of lining their own pockets....

    Who would care about the Middle East if they didn't own huge oil reserves.....it not so many years time it will all be about food and water to feed the masses....The worlds population cannot forever keep on growing....:(  
      May 13, 2019 9:45 PM MDT