I remember the threat of nuclear war. Bomb shelters were being built in backyards and stocked with food and water "just in case".
In schools we did our drop drills. Dropped to the floor beside our desks on our knees with our heads down and our arms covering them.
To my knowledge we never were attacked. Don't know what folks did with all that unused food in their bomb shelters. Maybe the wealthy turned them into wine cellars.
I do not recall gun-related massacres and slaughters in schools and churches or wherever lots of folks gathered. I do not remember racists coming out from under the sheets and marching pridefully naked-faced chanting ugly things and carrying ugly signs and being commended for it by a prez.
It isn't only the US that has become that horrible horrible horrible thing we only used to see on screen depicted in movies...ALL FICTIONAL. Sad thing is that our reality is far worse than anything ever imagined. Truth is stranger than fiction. FAR SCARIER as well. What the he ** right?