Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» We the people of the United States of America are currently being controlled by the worst among us. The dregs. Do we deserve it? WHY?
Yes, we do deserve it. Why?, Because it is We The People (Democrat and Republican) who vote them (Democrat and Republican) into office in the first place. We The People are better at pointing our fingers at others for the messes we have than we are at taking responsibility for our own actions. Crying, whining, moaning, and complaining about it won't help matters any. You should have done your candidate research before you voted. If you believe that a certain woman or man is a dreg of a politician, then vote to remove them from office in the next election. That's how our system works. Pretty simple. If you don't like our Constitutional form of government, I don't know what to tell you other than pack up and move to a country where their form of government better suits your wants and needs. :)
No I don't have that attitude. My boss, who I quite like and we understand each other, and my company control much of my time, but they pay me for it - really more than I am worth - and I certainly derive a good amount of satisfaction from doing as well as I can for them. Or almost as well. My husband "controls" me to the extent that he is such a constant in my life I am always thinking about him and how he will respond to anything I do. And I certainly do not consider him a "dreg".
Right now you kinda do. The rumbles started with Reagan - it seems that at least half of America would rather be entertained than competently led. Trump is a helluva showman, it's what he does. It would be amusing if it wasn't so scary - the fact that a demented megalomaniac manbaby has his tiny orange claws on the launch codes frankly terrifies me.
But the problem is right there - as long as people are so directionless they expect someone to "lead" them they have already given up many of the freedoms they possess. Those not looking to be "led" can at least enjoy the show.
I can always count on you to tell me the truth m'dear even when it hurts/stings. I cannot disagree with thee and you know me. If I did I would but I don' t so I can't. Do you see any light at the end of the tunnel other than the express train bearing down on us at full speed? It is endless and unbearable and yet we are still here? Sheesh. Thank you for your reply R and Happy Mother's Day Sunday in America. Do you celebrate it too in your country? If so wish Maureen a Happy Mother's Day from me! Okey Dokey?