Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I wonder who the first HATER was? Whose DNA contained it? Was he/she promiscuous and spread hate like manure to make it grow?
Hate is not found in ones DNA. Hate is learned. No child is born hating, it's taught to hate by the words and/or actions of those around it (parents, relatives, teaches, friends, etc.). Once hatred is learned it cannot be unlearned. It can, however, be suppressed. (Note: "hate" is not the same as "dislike").
Hatred begins because of fear or jealousy of someone or something that's different than oneself (looks, traits, customs, gender, religion, language, etc.), their customs (practices), or even their possessions or talents. Hatred grows when that fear or jealousy is fed, either by lies or false assumptions. Hatred spawns anger and resentment. If left unchecked, hatred can bloom into violence.
Hate spreads because of ignorance. If instead of looking outward and trying to understand or even tolerate that which is different, one looks inward at themselves, they are in effect closing their minds. A closed mind soon begins to think that it is somehow superior to that which is different (and maybe even superior to other things as well).
Hatred loves company. While a single mind can hate, it is much more "comfortable" if it can get others to join in with it. The more people a hater can persuade to think like it does, the more it can justify its actions.
Hatred can only be stopped by choice. Hatred cannot be stopped by force, the one who hates must choose to stop hating. The deeper hatred has its roots in a person, the harder it is for them to stop hating (but it is possible). Some people are so given in to hatred that they almost can't stop hating. They deluded themselves into thinking that their hatred is justified for so long that it becomes ingrained in them. It's not that they can't stop their hatred, but rather that they've allowed their hatred to become so strong that it blinds them into seeing any alternative other than hate.
I disagree somewhat with thee Shuhak though I have no proof. It seems to me tht some people have a PROPENSITY to hate and some don't. Why? Because I think HATE is unnatural and those who hate I believe have something DEFECTIVE within them that causes them to embrace it and promulgate it and enjoy it. I do. Growing up in a home where the parents teach their children how to hate, whom to hate and keep emphasizing does not necessarily mean the child has to agree with it. Though it may be unusual I think it is possible for some to reject the hate of their parents and go the other way. I have no science or statistics to back that up of course. It's just a feeling I have. Just as some diseases can be genetic...or rather a PROPENSITY to get them does exist in some families. In some ethnic groups there is a PROPENSITY to suffer from certain diseases/conditions. I think those who are immune to the brainwashing that is necessary are probably smarter than those who are good subjects. You know some people are easily hypnotized while some are not susceptible to it. I am not susceptible to it . I was told that it takes a willingness within to cede control to someone else and I am apparently unwilling to do that. Anyway here we are. Where do we go from here when the cancer (sb prez) has metastasized and is now in the bloodstream? I have no idea how this all will end but it won't be pretty. It will be very ugly and painful and damaging. Permanently? I hope not. Thank you for your thoughtful analysis Shuhak.
Yes! Just because ones parents teach or do something does not mean the child will do that thing. For example, just because a child is raised by parents who smoke, that doesn't ensure that they will become smokers as well. Likewise, if a child is raised by kind, loving, nurturing parents won't ensure that they will become fine outstanding citizens. Choice. Even though we often refer to hatred as a "disease", it really isn't. It's neither bacterial, viral or fungal. One cannot get a vaccination or take a pill to prevent or cure hatred. It's a condition of the heart (not the blood pump one). The "cure" for hatred is a change of heart... and that can only be done by choice.