Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The new punching bag for the terrified sb prez is Joe Biden. the sb is superly THREATENED by Joe so he is attacking Joe don'tcha know?
Where have you been the last hundred years or so? That's what people running for the office do, attack. (Duh) With Biden as the nominee, the only ones that need to be terrified are Dummycrats. There's only one real problem with the Biden candidacy for us good guys: Millions will be spent to try and pass him off as the "moderate" alternative to a party mostly made up of loose screws and nothing could be further from the truth. Even so, if we can't defeat ole Joe, we don't deserve the White House.
If the sb prez WERE A GENIUS he'd let his grades be spread around. He has threatened to sue anyone who releases them which means he isn't a Genius and he was a LOUSY student. His actions belie his words. He is a total phony fake pretend charlatan con artist who scammed millions of folks who are BESOTTED with him. They partake of him and get drunk on him. Weird queeer peculiar. Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Wednesday! :)
I agree, Joe Biden is a threat but not to President Trump per se. Biden is a threat to himself, women, young girls, (The Creepy Uncle Joe name fits well, do the research) and this country as a whole. Why is Biden a threat to this country you might ask? Pretty simple, he is a threat to the United States because he holds the same radical left, anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-Constitution, underlying hatred of everything the United States stands for, socialist agenda that the vast majority of Democrats and some Republicans do. As always, just my opinion. :)
You don't think the old codger draft dodger is a threat to America ru? He "fell in love with Kim" sez he. Are you in love with Kim? The old codger draft dodger always takes Putin's side in every matter and attacks his own Intelligence Agencies throwing them and the rest of us under the bus 24/7. You think that is not a threat? He attacks military heroes, insults a Gold Star Family and tweets vilification and vitriolic condemnation daily in multiples AGAINST AMERICAN CITIZENS. NEVER against the monstrous despot dictator murderers he loves to sleep with figuratively and maybe literally. He is not what I would call a "normal" homo sap. He is a degenerate sexual predator. You think that is not a threat to America? He has ordered his fake AG to declassify EVERYTHING which means our methods, sources and agents will be outed. You don't think THAT is a threat to America? What countries will ever be willing to TRUST US with anything ever again? How is that making us secure and safe? Well you can have him. All 300 lbs of him. He is all yours. Every ounce of liar belongs to you and those like you who admire him for what he does what he says who he is. Just my opinion. Thank you for yours and Happy Wednesday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at May 29, 2019 5:07 AM MDT
The actions of a typical bully - belittle others in an effort to make them feel bigger. When it happens in school we say they're pathetic. When the prez does it, people flock to him.
Biden is the front runner for the Dem nomination...the front runner takes the hits. It is supposed to come from the media and other candidates but they are not doing it.
The SCUMBAG PREZ sez he agrees with Kim (the North Korea butcher the sb "fell in love with" )that Biden is low IQ. You say the hits are supposed to come from the media and other candidates? When is it ever appropriate for an American President to agree with a foreign leader who is a monstrous butcher who calls an American Citizen "low IQ"? The scumbag insults all his enemies and he doesn't care whom or where or when. He just does it. His enemies consist of everyone who doesn't kiss his corpulent a**. You defend that? You go girl! I'm sure there is a place for you in the scumbag's gubment if you want it. SIGH. Thank you for your reply.
This post was edited by RosieG at May 31, 2019 8:33 AM MDT
I guess you do not remember President Obama discussing then candidate Trump with other world leaders saying they were "rattled" and "baffled" by Trump.
Kim got nothing from the summit. But a photo op. And Kim knows it. He punished his advisers for it. Some were killed and other sentenced to hard labor. I agree Creepy Uncle Joe is not very smart. If he was he would not be running. His creepy past will catch up to him. Of course, I vote on policy...and he is wrong on that as well.