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Do you REALLY know what 'probiotics' is? No cheating please.


Posted - June 3, 2019


  • 4624

    Probiotics are micro-organisms like lactobacilli - found in fermented foods like yogourt, kefir, sauerkraut, pickles and miso. They aid digestion and play huge role in promoting good health.
    One of the best books about them is written by Dr Michael Moseley.
    They are a topic of booming new research in science.
    They flourish when fed every day with good prebiotic foods both cooked and uncooked - greens, whole grains and all members of the onion family.

    They fare badly under the influence of diets high in alcohol, sugar, white flour, processed foods and low fibre. Small and infrequent  amounts of these substances do little harm. But when they are part of the normal diet they have serious long term effects - cause destructive bacteria to flourish, causing poor absorption of nutrients, increased hunger, weight gain, low immunity and numerous other health complications.

    All gut flora or biome, both the good and bad, can die out completely with high doses of antibiotics.

    This post was edited by inky at June 3, 2019 6:16 PM MDT
      June 3, 2019 11:27 AM MDT

  • 34943
    They are the good bacteria in your gut.
      June 3, 2019 11:37 AM MDT

  • 1441
    yea, fighting bad bacterias out 
      June 3, 2019 1:28 PM MDT

  • 5808
    for digestion
    yep what the others have said.
      June 3, 2019 12:44 PM MDT

  • 10026
    I don't know as much as the above mentioned but I do know they are a bacteria that is good for your digestion.
    I think they come from things that are normally past-due what they were orginially made for.  Like milk with yogurt or cheese.  Like sourkraut and/or some things that are fermented. This post was edited by Merlin at June 3, 2019 1:16 PM MDT
      June 3, 2019 1:11 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Yes. I really do.

      June 3, 2019 1:22 PM MDT

  • 46117

    I had to study like mad when I thought I was dying of cancer last year.  I had to learn how to eat again.  I didn't want to put anything in my body that did not kill cancer.  So, probiotics definitely got my attention.

    What Are Probiotics?

    Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that play a very important role in your health. They can be found everywhere inside and outside your body doing good deeds but, most reside in your gut. These desirable microorganisms include names like:

    • Lactobacillus acidophilus
    • Lactic acid bacteria
    • Bifidobacteria
    • Bifidobacterium longum
    • Escherichia coli
    • Lactic acid bacteria

    And many more.

    Why Do I Need Them?

    Believe it or not there is a war going on inside of your body every day. Probiotics form a lining along the walls of your intestines creating a physical barrier to hinder invasion of bad bacteria. Probiotics comprise 60% of your immune function by secreting chemicals that battle pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold and yeasts thereby keeping you healthier. Besides boosting your immune system probiotics perform many other important functions such as:

    • Lowering cholesterol
    • Lowering blood pressure
    • Aiding in digestion
    • Improving iron absorption and other minerals
    • Helping you synthesize nutrients from your food
    • Reducing inflammation
    • Cleaning and scrubbing the lining of your intestines
    • Helping with allergies
    • Helping manage urogenital health
    • Managing irritable bowel syndrome and colitis
    • Support the development and functioning of the gut
    • Giving you energy

    A lack of sufficient amounts of beneficial bacteria weakens your immune system and leaves you open and exposed to germs, bad bacteria, and virus that can make you sick. When the digestive tract is healthy, these beneficial bacteria filter out and eliminate things that can damage it, such as harmful toxins, chemicals, and other waste products. On the flip side, it takes in the things that our body needs (nutrients from food and water) and absorbs and helps deliver them to the cells where they are needed.

    The majority of probiotics colonize in the large intestine. These living organisms form a neural network that is sometimes called your “second brain.” This neural network in your gut takes in information from your external environment and remains in constant communication with your first brain through your central nervous system helping you to make intuitive decisions. Hence the term, “gut feeling.”

    How does this work? How does anything work – through energy. Probiotics in a healthy person number up to 100 trillion. In a healthy person these beneficial bacteria will outnumber your own cells by a factor of ten to one. Up to seven pounds of you is actually probiotics. These microscopic organisms are constantly moving and all this movement creates a tiny amount friction which creates an energy field. This energy field interacts with other subtle energy fields around you warning you of danger and helping you to make better choices. Probiotics want you to live. It is in their best interest for you to live and to be healthy because they depend upon their host (you) for their own survival.

    Where Do I Get Them?

    1. You Were Born With Them – During a delivery through the birth canal, a newborn baby picks up bacteria from his/her mother. These good bacteria are not transmitted when a Cesarean section is performed and have been shown to be the reason why some infants born by Cesarean section have allergies, less than optimal immune systems, and lower levels of gut microflora. Drinking chlorinated water and the use of antibiotics destroys all living organisms in your gut including the beneficial bacteria. Stress can also contribute to an overgrowth of harmful bacterial by changing your body chemistry making it more acidic which is what bad bacteria loves.

    2. Fermented Foods – Raw fermented sauerkraut and kim chee made from cabbage is an excellent sources of probiotics. What makes our sauerkraut and kim chee unique is the fact that the cabbage, onions and garlic have a high sulfur content which inhibits the growth of the bad bacteria while allowing the growth of beneficial bacteria. However, probiotics are heat sensitive and are destroyed by the cooking process. Therefore, you must make sure your fermented foods are not pasteurized, irradiated, or heat processed in any way. I would also suggest that you choose only organic fermented foods in order to minimize your exposure to toxic pesticides used in conventional farming.

    3. Supplements – LiveGive “Instinct”, “Ocean Energy” and Living Streams liquid probiotics available in the Hippocrates store are powerful ways to restore the balance of your intestinal microflora.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at June 3, 2019 6:18 PM MDT
      June 3, 2019 1:27 PM MDT

  • 14795
    It's a live culture thingy put in lots of different sweetened yogurt type drinks that's supposed to be good for your stomach and digestion...
    Yukult charge about £13 for ten tiny bottles of the stuff...Eat,drink wisely and healthy and there should be no need to drink over priced ,over marketed stuffs.  :(
      June 3, 2019 2:12 PM MDT

  • 44736
    Over-marketed...that's what I was looking for. Folks will buy anything.
      June 3, 2019 2:57 PM MDT

  • 14795
    It's the power of the pen and telling people what they want to hear in as much as this wonderours new harmless discovery will cure all ills....  
    Clever words that so many are so desperate to willingly believe in...

    Its also used in all countries ,control the Media and only tell people what your government and Drug companies want you to hear.......
      June 3, 2019 4:38 PM MDT

  • 1305

    Good bacteria, but I don't know if it's even proven to reach your gut as a live culture. I can confirm it gives you wind...rephrase "I can confirm it gives me wind."

    This post was edited by kjames at June 3, 2019 3:29 PM MDT
      June 3, 2019 3:29 PM MDT

  • 4624
    Only a small proportion of the live culture survives the passage through the hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
    However, that small amount is enough to do a great deal of good when fed daily with a balanced mix of prebiotic foods.

    For people who have lost their gut biome due to antibiotics, it can help to have an enema or anal douche of probiotics, or a fecal transplant from a healthy person's gut. The regrowth of good bacteria can take 9 - 12 months and needs plenty of support.

      June 3, 2019 6:23 PM MDT