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If having MORE GUNS makes you safer why isn't the United States of America THE SAFEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD?

Posted - June 5, 2019


  • 6023
    ... because we have more criminals.
    Though the overall rate of crime is decreasing.

    I hear that areas with less restrictive CCL permits have lower crime rate.
    But I believe if you look at those areas, they are generally more rural/suburban and less metro ... and crime is naturally lower in those areas.

    Also, CCL holders have to pass background checks - so they are less likely to commit crimes.
    So maybe just require every legal gun holder to have a CCL?
      June 5, 2019 11:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    "CCL"?  Vass is diss? Why do we have more criminals? Because we have easier access to guns? Because the NRA brainwashed folks? Because the extreme righties put guns at the top of their list of essentials to survive? Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Thursday.
      June 6, 2019 2:42 AM MDT

  • 6023
    CCL = Concealed Carry License 
    CCP = Concealed Carry Permit

    One reason we have more criminals, is we criminalize things that are legal in other countries (EG: marijuana use).
    Another reason is that we have less harsh sentences than some countries (EG: we don't cut off hands, or execute them immediately).
    Another reason is that, in too many cases, we punish the victim.
    Another reason is that our prisons are overcrowded, and can't hold everyone convicted of a crime - so they are free to commit more crimes.
      June 6, 2019 8:20 AM MDT

  • 2706
    If I'm not mistaken, every legal gun owner/buyer, whether they buy a handgun, rifle, or shotgun, has a background check performed on them.
      June 6, 2019 10:34 AM MDT

  • 6023
    If they purchase it from a licensed dealer ... yes.

    If they purchase from a private individual, it depends on the state. 
    (and BATFE regulations state the difference between a private and dealer seller)

    WA and OR require background checks on private transfers, not just sales.  So if you borrow a gun from someone, technically they have to have the same background check on you as a dealer selling a firearm.
      June 6, 2019 11:03 AM MDT

  • 10766
    Owning a gun makes some feel safe.  Therefore the more guns one has the safer they must be. (NRA logic?)

    It's not so much the guns themselves, rather it's the idiots who possess them.  Guns are simply tools, in the same fashion as a rake, a pencil, or a screwdriver.  However, whereas other tools can have more than one use, a gun has only one use - to kill (be it animals or people).  Guns are useful when hunting for food; much better than using arrows, spears or knives.  The more shots one can get from a gun the better the odds of hitting the target (deer, bison, etc.) and not going hungry.  So of what use is a gun that can shoot 50 (or more) rounds in a few seconds?  The more bullets one puts into their meat the less of it is useful.  Seems counterproductive.

    Now we all know that everyone hunts for their food.  Why, just look in your local Kroger or Vons; there're hunters everywhere.  A gun is quite handy for bringing down those large cans of food or bags of chips (vicious little devils).  And, by george, if we don't shoot some of that neatly wrapped meat, it'll just run away and we'll starve to death.  While a few folks still hunt for food in the wild, 99% of people simply go to the store.  They've already corralled a herd of carts right there by the entrance so one doesn't have to go and "hunt" one down.  No more tacking down herds for days, simply go from aisle to aisle and place all your findings in the cart (mere hours).  No more having to eat the same thing day after day, why there are more varieties of food on each aisle that there are in the entire Serengeti.  Why, they even carry that rare breed from the arctic - ice cream.
    Well, if one doesn't have to hunt for their food with a gun (killing animals), what else is left?  Killing other people.  Eating other people is strictly against the law, so that leaves out using them for food.  Perhaps one kills other people for sport.  I mean the police and FBI do have photos of the ones currently "in season".  But they're laws against that too.  So of what use is a gun?   What...what's that you say?  They're used for self defence?  Ok.  So if a guy walks into a liquor store and points a gun at the clerk he's simply using it for defending himself?  Now I've heard that liquor is "bad", but I don't recall it ever assaulting anyone.  And the clerk is only there to process the transaction - money for liquor.  He can't be much of a threat.  We all know what a gun's sole purpose is - to kill; therefore we fear it.  So what you're really saying that a gun is used to counteract that fear (feel safe).  Simple math - two fears cancel eachother out.  What if one person has a bigger gun?  Should everyone else get a gun of equal size to "maintain balance"?

    A simple gun to hunt for food is one thing, but we have guns today that can mow down an entire herd of buffalo (within minutes).  Yet since we no longer have to hunt for our food, we use the guns to "hunt" other people instead (they conveniently gather at schools churches, places of business, airports, train stations).  Need a gun?  Why, they're 10x more places that sell guns in this country than there are Starbucks. 
    Someone piss you off?  Get a gun and get rid of them.  Did your boss fire you, or do other coworkers taunt you?  Get a gun and eliminate the problem.  Did your spouse or lover break up with you?  Grab a gun ands teach them a lesson.  (Revenge thy name is gun).  Are you simply having a bad day?  Grab a gun and go shoot  strangers on the street.  THIS is where we are today, folks.  How safe does if make YOU feel?
      June 5, 2019 2:20 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Very nice Shuhak. I believe you covered every base and then some. I know the Constitution gives us the right to arm bears but it is not a REQUIREMENT of citizenship. Also way back then they had muskets and not the amazing array of weapons we have to day. If people just owned muskets I think that alone would lessen the carnage. Those huge magazines that everyone just adores would not have been invented. One Answermugger sez we have more guns because we have more criminals. Is that a connection/correlation or is it simply coinkydink? I agree that the purpose of guns is to kill living things. Some say they have a passion for target shooting. Clay thingies tossed up in the air that get shot to he** and no one dies. Why not make guns legal only on shooting ranges? You can't take them home. Like a library whose research books you must read there and cannot check out. Betcha that would reduce gun-related deaths to zero if everyone complied. SIGH. The need for owning possessing buying having carrying shooting guns is ingrained I guess. I personally am not a gun person. Guns scare me and those who love them are even scarier. At least with the sb prez after a gun-related slaughter/massacre the peeps don't rush out to buy more guns as they used to under Dem presidents. They know no sb prez is gonna take their guns away. Wonder where the next gun-related slaughter massacre will occur? You can betchure bippy it will be once again in the United States of America. That is a sure thing. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday m'dear!  :)
      June 6, 2019 2:54 AM MDT

  • 2706
    I'll give you two or three examples of crime and where a majority of it happens. First, let me say this when was the last time America was invaded by a hostile foreign power? That said, safety is highly individualized and localized. Thus, the degree to which guns prevent crimes is, in part, determined by the threat level (no guns + big threat = no safety). According to the Crime Prevention Research Center murders in America are very concentrated. According to their statistics, 54% of the American counties in 2014 had zero murders. Whereas 2% of the counties have 51% of the murders.

      What this means, in practical terms, is that the threat level is very high in a very few places and nonexistent elsewhere. As others have noted, the threat level tends to be very high in places that have made either private gun ownership or public carrying of firearms difficult or illegal. Such as in California, New York, Illinois, and several others. In this 2 % of counties with over 50% of the homicides, the central theme is street gangs, a statistical attribute that has been known for quite some time.

      The response then is America might just be the safest place on the earth, providing you discount big cities where the mayors and politicians in general, don’t give a darn about the innocent unprotected people being murdered daily. 
      June 5, 2019 9:19 PM MDT

  • 14795
    What about when Europeans first stole America from its indigenous you think they could have still done that if they didn't have guns .....
    What do you think America would do around the world if they were the only one with modern day weapons...
    What do you think that England would be like also or any country that has been rapeing the world for centuries....
      June 6, 2019 3:10 AM MDT

  • 113301
      June 6, 2019 3:16 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Yes ... because take Europe back to pre-guns, and they still had better weapons (and armor and tactics) than the indigenous people of America.
    The Spaniards who conquered South America didn't have modern firearms.  They had single-shot muskets and pistols.  Yet they still managed to conquer an empire, using relatively few troops.
      June 6, 2019 8:25 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Might is right and it's always the mighty that make all laws ....Every country in the world uses system....:(
      June 6, 2019 11:47 AM MDT

  • 2706
    All I can tell you is that I tried to answer the question with information pertaining to the question as it was written. Perhaps what you mentioned could be covered in another question. :)
      June 6, 2019 10:39 AM MDT

  • 14795
    America must be one of the most unsafe st countries in the world ,just because of people being allowed to have unlimited access to as many types of weapons as they want....
    Any gun left unsecured for just a few seconds can end up in any child's bands...
    Why is there so many school shootings in one of worlds most developed countries.....
    If you look at ytube ,you see the an unending amount of  heinous things your police do to so many innocent people...... mostly as many up to twenty on there where hugely overweight armed thugs kick the shit out of and then shoot some skinny little guy ,girl or child for the silliest of reasons.....then they alll close rank and nothing else becomes if it.....

    No one is safe in America and you only have to look to ytube to see why.....

      June 6, 2019 11:35 AM MDT

  • 34952
    UK has a higher crime rate per ca-pita than USA. As you can

    I feel much safer in the US vs UK with under 375/100,000 rate USA vs 1500+/100,000. 
      June 6, 2019 1:19 PM MDT

  • 14795
    We Have hardly any gun crime comparison to the USA,  our police don't execute people on the street as the majority of our police are not allowed guns...god knows how many life's would be lost if they was...     
      June 6, 2019 5:21 PM MDT

  • 34952
    So it only counts as a violent crime if it is a gun used?  Sorry violent crime is not something I want no matter what the weapon. And UK is much more violent. Up to 4 times as violent as the US some years. 
     Actually if law abiding citizens had a way to defend themselves you crime rate would likely drop. This post was edited by my2cents at June 6, 2019 5:29 PM MDT
      June 6, 2019 5:25 PM MDT

  • 14795
    A bullet fired in any busy city street could hit anyone ,man ,women ,child ,baby or even people driving by.....
    We have a lot of knife crime and now acid attacks with morons on stolen scooters..

    There should be a one strike and your out law .....
    There is no need for anyone to own hand guns or machine guns.Why would anyone want one that lives in a city...
      June 7, 2019 3:27 AM MDT

  • 34952
    Imagine if people could defend themselves....those attacks would decrease. I much rather would criminals worry I may have a conceal carry weapon than know I am a sitting duck.

    Machine guns are illegal here. Handguns are used for hunting, target shooting, and defense (do not have to be a sitting duck here) This post was edited by my2cents at June 7, 2019 8:41 AM MDT
      June 7, 2019 5:46 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Armed Men and women in the busy strrets of London is the last thing we need I a few bullets at someone robbing you and you certainly hit a completly innocent stranger...
    Most street robberies are over in just a few seconds ,do you then shoot at the robber running away..?

    If you shoot an innocent you appogise and hope you don't get arrested for manslaughter....?

    How many people innocent people get shot by the police or armed citizens  when they fire their weapons chasing people....?
      June 7, 2019 8:52 AM MDT

  • 34952
    I have never heard of an innocent being shot in the line of defense. I am not saying it does not happen but I have not aware of any cases. 

    Also the stats I gave above for UK vs USA are for violent crime. Not just robbery with no physical harm. So we are getting off topic. Violent Crime. 
      June 7, 2019 10:45 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I have never heard of an innocent being shot in the line of defense.

    You SERIOUSLY just wrote this.  
      June 7, 2019 11:19 AM MDT

  • 34952
    Do you know of a specific incident?  I do I said I am sure it happens. 
      June 7, 2019 11:33 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Try EVERY WAR ever fought.  TRY THAT FOR STARTERS.  
      June 7, 2019 12:03 PM MDT