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Discussion » Questions » Finance » You can be fined heavily or go to prison in England for shop lifting and non payments of parking fines..!!

You can be fined heavily or go to prison in England for shop lifting and non payments of parking fines..!!

We have something here in England called PPI  (Payment Protection Plans ) on any loan or mortgage taken out with banks and insurance companies....
The premiums charged to customers were all illegal and yet we're all still charged.....
For many years now the banks and insurances companies have been forced to pay back countless Billions of pounds stolen from their customers,yet not one single bank or insurance company scammer/ boss / bank CEO has been imprisoned for their fraudulent dealing of countless thousands of pounds from billions and billions of people .
Is there a law for the rich and another for the not so wealthy ? 

Posted - June 5, 2019


  • 10716
    Well of course there is, silly.  Money talks (and the rich walk).  Jails are for the poor and those of "foreign descent".  But if (and this is rare) a wealthy person does go to jail, that jail is more like a health spa.
      June 5, 2019 6:14 PM MDT

  • 14795
    Clever clogs or clever Dog....I just can't say

    Hanging in England was always a poor persons punishment.....Rich people only got their head chopped off for treason... 
      June 5, 2019 6:20 PM MDT