For the last time: NO
No...1/10th of 1% are
In simplest terms, no. They're not.
They are crowding the lower rungs of the labor market, however, and that tends to drive wages down. If you're a lower to lower-middle-class individual (i.e., semi-skilled), that's a problem. But for the fact that the left needs the votes (whereas the right needs cheap labor), liberals should be against illegal immigration above all other political factions...ASSUMING, which I don't, that they actually cared about the poor. The fact that they like open borders--despite how injurious it is to America's working poor--is telling.
I find your politics perplexing.
You come off as an anarcho-libertarian but you align yourself with conservative views.
I'm wicked perplexed.
Really. And what "facts" would you be referring to?
No, Wall Street and Congress seem to have enough of a handle on that job.
But they are certainly changing it for many native-born and naturalized citizens.
Donald Trump writes our tax laws? Who knew?
And you point to the soft erosion of economic stability of the "the middle class".
For example, at one time skilled construction jobs were considered to be the well-paying domain of the blue-collar middle class. Those jobs are more and more going to the illegals. You even elude to those kind of jobs now being semi-skilled or unskilled.
As to businesses hiring illegal invaders, why not? An illegal working "off the books", not paying taxes or paying for medical insurance/care have a BIG marketplace advantage, probably to the tune of 50%, over those working above board. And that's only one example.
For jobs that do not have college requirements....yes. They are taking those jobs. I have seen it.
Also you realize that the link you provided proves that they are not paying the same taxes they US citizents pay to the tune of 2.4 BILLION dollars....just in state and local taxes. That is certainly not a help to our economy.
I've read enough to think there is a negative impact. I wouldn't go as far as to say they are ruining the American economy.
Any business which doesn't use e-Verify (no, it's not perfect, but at least it's an attempt) and hires an illegal should be fined $50,000 per illegal, and the execs should be jailed for 30 days.
Bringing in LEGAL immigrants to do work Americans would do, but for half the pay (IT at Disney for example) needs to stop too.
Let's ban ALL immigration for 5 years.
There's soooo many facts that you can't list a single one . . . seems legit.
Legitimate BS that is.
Ummm no. Their minions in Congress do that.
And Trump is a very small player indeed when compared to the likes of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, B of A and that ilk, and their surrogate Hillary Clinton, .
There's nothing inept about Congress or the White House. They always do the exact bidding of their handlers in the financial world. And while Mr. Trump may benefit from some of the crumbs that fall off that table he's hardly a targeted beneficiary of those machinations.
What on earth could you possibly find perplexing about it? Citing an economic reality is hardly "aligning" myself with anyone.
Let's say there are one million low and semi-skilled jobs in America. We have approximately 1.2 million people to fill those jobs. Along come 500,000 new immigrants ('illegal' or otherwise) who are willing to work for half what American citizens on that economic rung are willing to accept. What do you suppose will happen to those citizens who occupy those jobs?