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Discussion » Questions » Politics » How many contempt charges must be made against Trump and his minions? How MUCH CONTEMPT DO YOU HAVE FOR THESE STUPID MORONS?

How many contempt charges must be made against Trump and his minions? How MUCH CONTEMPT DO YOU HAVE FOR THESE STUPID MORONS?

Ok this was a rant.  GUILTY.

But what do you want? I'm watching the news.  Every brilliant person in the world is against this MORON and we cannot do a thing?  He needs to leave office TODAY.  Not even tomorrow.  RIGHT NOW.

Posted - June 12, 2019


  • 5391
    This is long game takedown politics, slow and systematic, to pin ever more culpability and disgrace onto a self-obsessed despicable bully, a political 3rd grader, who believes himself to be above reproach.  

    Keeping him and his toadies on the defensive on every possible front, unable to move onto other matters, to compel him to inevitably say or do something (else) stupid that further undermines his cause. 

    This is about selling 2020 voters on the President’s comprehensive unfitness for office.
      June 12, 2019 3:53 PM MDT

  • 4624
    It seems the American constitution contains a variety of gerrymanders which favour conservative politics,
    and also makes it difficult to impeach and remove a president.

    I think Don Barzini is right about the long game.

    It seems clear that in obstructing the course of justice, Trump has committed impeachable errors,
    but the constitutional law is such that only Congress can take him down.
    To do that, they must be 100% sure of their grounds and evidence and have a majority of voters.
    Failure would only rebound to bite them in the bum.
      June 12, 2019 5:23 PM MDT