Please GOD no. Let it NOT be that. HAA HAA. My guess is that it is a Jell-O/Angelfood concoction made to look kind of sandwichy. I may be totally wrong. I just don't want it to be what you said. UGH. NO NO. The MORE I look at it, the more I see you are RIGHT. WHO WOULD EAT THIS? It makes me want to go back to meat.
Looks to me like she's trying really hard to keep that middle finger from flipping up. How about I make you a nice vegemite and avocado sandwich with mayonnaise and a nice cup of coffee?
Doctor: “But, Sir, if you already knew that you don’t like those ingredients, why did you eat the entire sandwich and drink the full cup of coffee?”
Randy D: “You don’t understand, Doctor. Jayne S made that sandwich and cup of coffee for me. I thought it was a truce offering, I really did. I could no more turn down anything from Jayne S than I could stop breathing . . . oh, heck, what’s the use? Like I said, you wouldn’t understand. No one understands. (Sigh.)”
Don't be so dramatic. A little avocado, vegemite, mayo and coffee never hurt anyone.'s possible that I accidentally sprinkled a litte rat poison on the bread. Oops!