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Discussion » Questions » Animals (Wild) » Care about abused animals? Tiger is chained and forced to walk in small circles for 22 hours a day so tourists can take pictures.

Care about abused animals? Tiger is chained and forced to walk in small circles for 22 hours a day so tourists can take pictures.

Read the Story here:

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Posted - June 17, 2019


  • 46117
    This is both hideous and disturbing.  I HATE IT.  I want to help but I cannot do much from here.  Sorry, that is the case in fact.  We have to outlaw this and it is not even happening in our country?  

    YES, this is disguistingly bruthal.  But you are eating a HAMBURGER and dismissing the fact that a cow, while not as beautiful-looking, suffers that EXACT TREATMENT AND WORSE before it hits your hamburger bun.

    SO, don't be a hypocrite and cry for a tiger if you eat ANY meat at all and it is not farm raised by you and then EVEN then, you are killing a pet and eating it.  So sad.
      June 17, 2019 12:10 PM MDT

  • 8221
    Sign the petition will help immensely. 
      June 17, 2019 12:11 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I told you why I will NEVEr sign anything online.  IT is in the other EXACT same question you already posted. Look there for my answer, please.

    Meanwhile, read what I just said for a change? 

    You are worried about one TIGER A MILLION MLES AWAY and you are chomping down on a dead cow? or Chicken?  I'd rather be the tiger. At least he got a few pictures taken.

      June 17, 2019 12:13 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Also, I love it that you are asking questions and I love the topics you are selecting.  I care a lot about animals.  I just think I can do a lot about some things and nothing about other things and this petition of yours does not guarantee that any tiger anywhere is going to get any aid at all.
      June 17, 2019 12:29 PM MDT

  • 8221
    Thank you.  If I had the money I'd fly over there and either rescue the animal or provide a better enclosure and some training for the owners.  Some people, many people, just need to be senstized to the pain and emoions that animals feel.  For those who don't care and don't want to care, the animals would be better off someplace else. 
      June 17, 2019 1:03 PM MDT