There will be plenty who believe inspiration can only come from God.
I believe it comes from first having a purpose, second, working out a way to achieve it, third, developing the means and creating the opportunities, and finally, doing the work. And of course, if there are setbacks, just keeping on going, improving and fine-tuning till success is achieved. Once achieved, the moment has a good chance of inspiring others and building.
I think GOD makes us the way we are bw. The rest of it is entirely up to us as to what we do with it. Some folks are extremely inventive creative imaginative. Others are not. So you do the best you can with the materials you have to work with. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Though many people try and think they have. They are the folks who escape reality and live in fantasy and are the gullible willing cooperative dupes the con artists dearly love. Why that is their lot in life I do not know. Why those who are duped and conned and scammed embrace it as if it were a gift bestowed upon them I do not know. Self-deception is a very strong narcotic methinks. Thank you for your thought reply m'dear! :)
There will be plenty who believe inspiration can only come from God.
I believe it comes from first having a purpose, second, working out a way to achieve it, third, developing the means and creating the opportunities, and finally, doing the work. And of course, if there are setbacks, just keeping on going, improving and fine-tuning till success is achieved. Once achieved, the moment has a good chance of inspiring others and building.
Inspiration wells up from the soul. When you shut out the noise, the chatter of the mind, when you can reach the depths of silence then the voice of GOD can be heard.