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If some loathsome boor puts his hand up your skirt 20 years ago, is it now politically correct to try and ANNOUNCE it this much later?

It did not work for Christine  Ford and Kavanaugh.

It is never going to work.  I do not think the thug who attacks should be protected.  It is just that there has to be a better way to go about gathering evidence and charging someone for a crime that counts enough to matter.

On the one hand, we NEED to know what our President is capable of.  On the OTHER hand, we keep getting confronted with  women who have too many excuses as to why this happened.  

The Access Hollywood Tape is the BEST evidence of what this MAN IS LIKE.  

There he is bragging about groping women.    There he is admitting he thinks it is cool to do exactly what this new accuser has accused him of.

SAME thing. Putting his unwanted hand up her dress.  So, she is telling the truth, but it is too little too late and tellon Don walks away free and clear ONCE MORE.

Posted - June 23, 2019


  • 10026
    I totally agree with your post.
    However, between you and me, I must ask.

    If Paul Newman put his hand up your skirt 20 year ago, is it now politically correct to ANNOUNCE it?

     My thought is: May he rest in peace with his hands knowing they would have been allowed to go anywhere on my body at any given time he would have liked. ;) :)
      June 23, 2019 11:29 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I know this is a great joke. LOL 

    But to give a serious take for a sec, that is EXACTLY what I am implying.  When a woman is inviting you to touch her, a man KNOWS how to approach if he is interested.

    Paul Newman's integrity and persona was always defined by the wonderful friends he attracted and the wonderful wife he adored and was faithful to.  That made him beautiful even if he looked like the dog's dinner to me.

    Anyway, think of that man and think of Donald Trump and you can see GLARINGLY how different these men approach women and the human race.

    To Paul Newman, he wants to be worthy of what he is attracted to.

    To TRUMP?  That idea never crosses his mind.  He thinks everything belongs to Him, the world is his oyster and women are so stupid you can do ANYTHING to them and get away with it.  Just pay the bimbos off.  

      June 23, 2019 11:40 AM MDT

  • 10026
    It is the quality of human that you are referring to and not the option to take advantage of a given situation.
    I absolutely get it and got it.
    I know you know that, too.
    And yes, the pun was because you and I have such an appreciation for not just the looks but the gentlemen Paul Newman was throughout his living days and the legend he left behind.
    I wish others would have followed suit.
      June 23, 2019 11:47 AM MDT

  • 5808
      June 23, 2019 6:17 PM MDT

  • 5391
    I will be the first to admit my disdain for PC. 
    That said, the legally appropriate opportunity to slap them sh*tless, crush their gonads or file a police report has long passed.
     This wasn’t rape, didn’t do physical harm and it clearly holds no sway in court. Why come out now? Should I call the police or file a lawsuit if some random female cups my junk? Or bring it up 20 years later?
    The boor was also a creep, learn from it and get on with your life. Offensive people do offensive stuff. 

    The greater message is an ageless and destructive cultural problem. Women as property, as chattel, as second class citizens. Walking behind the man. 
    Ask yourself why there is no specific prohibition of rape (or child abuse, slavery, or genocide, btw) in the Bible or the Koran. Nor any hope of adding one. 

    The worm is turning, but at a glacial pace like all other species adaptations. Women still face marginalization or worse, objectification, in too many environments, and as a matter of doctrine in nearly every culture outside of secular democracies. A quick resolution is not at hand.  This post was edited by Don Barzini at June 23, 2019 6:20 PM MDT
      June 23, 2019 11:41 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I agree with everything you said and it opens up SUCH a can of worms for WOMEN who LIE.  Women are not God's special creatures.  They are human beings who have the same issues as men as far as lying and looking for attention.  

    On the other hand we have a CRIMINAL in office that needs to be held accountable.  FOR EVERYTHING.  Maybe this woman is not the issue, but the dozens of others and including HER, is the TRUE issue.  This is a predator.  This is an unstable mind.  This is NOT a President.

    What should be done?  WHAT CAN BE DONE?  What legalities work?  What legalities would even be believed?  So, it opens the door for accusers who are looking for a pay day.

    I think this woman who just came out accusing Trump (I forget her name) probably was TOTALLY attacked in exactly the manner she said she was.  It mirrors the mind of the MORON who was on the ACCESS HOLLYWOOD TAPE bragging about grabbing women's genitals.

    IT HAPPENED.  And there are tons of reasons why she did not come forward. She was in her early twenties.  She was scared.  He knows how to pick them.   And she was a giddy air-head.  I can see that by the way she talks on TV. 

    I did not read her book. Lawrence O'Donnell said it is FANTASTIC and it really cuts to the matter of how she felt and what Trump did to her.  It is all down on paper.  

    So, that part is okay.  Now, how about getting all these women together and accuse him?  Is that even legal?  I'm not sure.  BUT I KNOW THAT TV IS LEGAL and we can watch them all tell their stories right before election time.  

    I think that would help keep him OUT in 20/20.
      June 23, 2019 11:51 AM MDT

  • 5391
    I think the cause could be effectively served by getting women together at the ballot box, and VOTE the boor out.
    Ironic justice.    

    Then to face actual justice in civil courts, stripped of executive privilege.  This post was edited by Don Barzini at June 23, 2019 8:35 PM MDT
      June 23, 2019 8:27 PM MDT

  • 17641
    I have never put any stock in women claiming abuse years after the fact.  If you are abused  you report it or give up the right to try to get justice.  There should be a SOL of no more than two years for such attacks.  But, because of reasons that have nothing to do with justice or reality, many states have eliminated the SOL altogether.  That is crazy and a scary scary indicator of intent and thought processes about justice.  When people scream "believe the accuser" with no other comment, that is one of the most frightening occurrences of our time. 
      June 23, 2019 3:07 PM MDT

  • 53623

      Wait, what the heck would I have been doing wearing a skirt, either twenty years ago or at any other time in my life?

    (((More importantly, who talked?  Grrrrrrr.)))


      June 23, 2019 6:26 PM MDT

  • 14795
    Yes, I would have been ten years old and my dad would have punched his lights out if it happen ....
      June 23, 2019 8:30 PM MDT