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What is worse than this? Just asking...

Matthew 7:21-23 ...'Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.'

Posted - June 29, 2016


  • 640

    Of course I believe every word. God spoke and that is amazing! I love God, and he answers my prayers:) Why do you believe there is no hope for me? I am very hopeful about my life and life ever after. I want that for others too:)

      June 30, 2016 12:49 PM MDT

  • 1393

    This is what, according to that passage, will happen to those who failed to do the will of the Father [to live by the laws of the Father] When they realise their error they will rush to Jesus for intercession making the sort of pleas listed in the passage in the hope that Jesus will intercede for them. Instead, Jesus chases them away.

    It is a serious warning for those who think little of doing the will of the Father, living by the Father's laws. Jesus warned them not to dismiss even the least of the laws. In Matthew 5:19 he said, “Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” 

      July 4, 2016 8:18 PM MDT

  • 640

      July 5, 2016 1:12 AM MDT

  • 2657

    Christians are not under the Mosaic Law. The Law was for the Jews and was fulfilled in Christ. I thought Carazaa knew that?

    (Matthew 5:17-19) “Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I came, not to destroy, but to fulfill. 18 Truly I say to you that sooner would heaven and earth pass away than for one smallest letter or one stroke of a letter to pass away from the Law until all things take place. 19 Whoever, therefore, breaks one of these least commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in relation to the Kingdom of the heavens. But whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in relation to the Kingdom of the heavens.

    (John 19:30) When he had received the sour wine, Jesus said: “It has been accomplished!” and bowing his head, he gave up his spirit.

    (Daniel 9:27) “And he will keep the covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week, he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. “And on the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation; and until an extermination, what was decided on will be poured out also on the one lying desolate.”

    (Isaiah 53:12) For that reason I will assign him a portion among the many, And he will apportion the spoil with the mighty, Because he poured out his life even to death And was counted among the transgressors; He carried the sin of many people, And he interceded for the transgressors.
    (Luke 22:37) For I tell you that what is written must be accomplished in me, namely, ‘He was counted with lawless ones.’ For this is being fulfilled concerning me.”

    Exodus 34:27) And Jehovah went on to say to Moses: “Write down for yourself these words, because it is in accordance with these words that I do conclude a covenant with you and Israel.”

      July 5, 2016 6:29 AM MDT

  • 1393

    1- It is not surprising or difficult for a Christian to argue that God's laws are not meant to be observed. Paul, on whose teachings modern Christianity is based clearly teaches in 1 Colossians 2:13, 14 that the law is nailed to the cross and teaches people to regard the law as something that "WAS AGAINST US AND THAT STOOD OPPOSED TO US". In Galatians 5:1 he tells people to stay free of the law and no longer be slaves to the law, "Now MAKE SURE THAT YOU STAY FREE, and don't get tied up again in SLAVERY TO THE LAW" In Galatians 3:13 he says, Christ redeemed us from THE CURSE OF THE LAW" Jesus never talked of God's laws in those terms nor did he teach that he had come to save people from the law.

    2- On the contrary, as I have shown in my answer, Jesus was very particular about the law and warns of the adverse consequences of abandoning even the smallest of the laws.

    3- Furthermore, we can see from Acts 21:20-26 that thousands of the early followers of Jesus were not only observers of the law but were "zealous of the law". In fact they even continued offering sin sacrifice after the departure of Jesus from earth. 

      July 5, 2016 8:42 PM MDT

  • 640

    We can't keep the law (All have sinned) That's why Jesus came, to be the sacrificial lamb for us and take our sins on his shoulders. But when we are born again we will have an earnest desire to do his will. We care more about God than men, money, or fame if we are His. But many think they are saved but are deceived. So that's why I posted this for people to analyze themselves and step up and do Gods will not their own will every day. God will bless us, but we might not be famous, rich, or rewarded by men. We might actually be fired, persecuted, and suffer for doing right. But do we care more about God or man?

      July 5, 2016 9:32 PM MDT

  • 640

      July 5, 2016 9:34 PM MDT

  • 2657

    The Law Covenant was with Moses and Israel.

    Exodus 34:27) And Jehovah went on to say to Moses: “Write down for yourself these words, because it is in accordance with these words that I do conclude a covenant with you and Israel.”

    The Mosaic Law Covenant was to cease after the death of the Messiah.

    (Daniel 9:27) “And he will keep the covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week, he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. “And on the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation; and until an extermination, what was decided on will be poured out also on the one lying desolate.”


      July 7, 2016 7:10 AM MDT

  • 640

    All men are subject to the law.When Jesus comes back as a lion to judge the world with hundred thousand angels in the clouds and the books are opened it is the Gods law that will judge them, and only if we have put our faith in Jesus, will we not have to answer for our sins because The Father poured the punishment on Jesus 2016 years ago and we are spotless and we can escape the judgments and enter heaven.  Either Jesus will say I  know you, or I never knew you.

      July 7, 2016 11:06 AM MDT

  • 46117

    Upset?  No.  I am throwing up in my mouth a little. Not all that upset. I am used to this blather.  Blah blah blah.

    I am throwing up a little. Jesus is puking all over the page.

      July 7, 2016 11:08 AM MDT

  • 46117

    Because you have NO right to even be ON here.  That is why.  You are calling this a religious section?  I have forgotten more than you will ever learn about any religion. 

    Give it a rest.  Sorry you cannot take the heat.

      July 7, 2016 11:09 AM MDT

  • 640

    Why do you think he is not happy with me?

      July 7, 2016 11:27 AM MDT

  • 640

    Please be nice, he has a right to make comments.

      July 7, 2016 11:28 AM MDT

  • 2657

    I am calling this a religious section because Religion is the section she posted her question in:

    Posted by Carazaa on June 29, 2016 at 7:13am in Religion

      July 7, 2016 2:06 PM MDT

  • 2657

    Reread the scriptures I posted. 

    The Law Covenant was with Moses and Israel.

    Exodus 34:27) And Jehovah went on to say to Moses: “Write down for yourself these words, because it is in accordance with these words that I do conclude a covenant with you and Israel.”

    The Mosaic Law Covenant was to cease after the death of the Messiah.

    (Daniel 9:27) “And he will keep the covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week, he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. “And on the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation; and until an extermination, what was decided on will be poured out also on the one lying desolate.”



    Christians are not under the Mosaic Law Covenant.

    (Romans 10:4) For Christ is the end of the Law, so that everyone exercising faith may have righteousness.

    (Romans 7:6) But now we have been released from the Law, because we have died to that which restrained us, in order that we might be slaves in a new sense by the spirit and not in the old sense by the written code.
    (Ephesians 2:15) By means of his flesh he abolished the enmity, the Law of commandments consisting in decrees, in order to make the two groups in union with himself into one new man and to make peace,
    (Colossians 2:13, 14) Furthermore, though you were dead in your trespasses and in the uncircumcised state of your flesh, God made you alive together with him. He kindly forgave us all our trespasses 14 and erased the handwritten document that consisted of decrees and was in opposition to us. He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake.

      July 7, 2016 2:09 PM MDT

  • 640

    This is in response to why I wrote my strong response to Tex. I love to debate except after I have told someone that I don't want to talk about it any more, and they continue, and continue. I love all people and I pray for Tex but I do not want to discuss the issue with him any more. I have that right! We have gone around and around. He didn't respect my words that I was done many months ago, and continued to preach his religion after I asked him to stop. I am a Christian, not Jehovah's Witness. We disagree who Christ is. I do not want to discuss It with him any more. He needs to respect that!

      July 8, 2016 11:27 AM MDT

  • 1326

    Jesús was alluding to the many that would claim to follow him but by their works or actions would disprove their claims. There are many religions that teach they have the holy spirit because they perform miracles, such as speaking in tongues and performing healings. Jesus' words previously stated in matthew show otherwise.

      July 12, 2016 5:32 PM MDT

  • 284

    Clurt~ Wow ,Praise God, your words are like a breath of fresh air!!

      July 12, 2016 10:42 PM MDT

  • 640

      July 13, 2016 7:19 AM MDT

  • 1393

     Silverwings that's very kind. I am pleased that you   it.

      July 14, 2016 12:47 PM MDT

  • 2657

    Silverwings, are Christians under the works of the Mosaic Law?

      July 17, 2016 6:17 AM MDT

  • 284


    It seems exceedingly strange that Bible-believing Christians should advocate such a view, when the New Testament makes it abundantly clear that the believer in Christ is not any longer under the Mosaic law in its entirety… Indeed after having been delivered from the law, to deliberately place ourselves once again under its [control] is said to be “falling from grace.”

    But let it be immediately understood that this does not mean to say that we should necessarily behave in a manner just opposite to what the Mosaic law commands—that we should kill, steal, bear false witness, etc. Long before the law was given through Moses, it was utterly wrong to do such evil things. . .2

    By contrast, the age in which we live, the church age, has often and rightly been called the age of grace. This is not because God’s grace has not been manifested in other ages, but because in the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ we have the ultimate manifestation of God’s grace.

    Titus 2:11-12. For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people. It trains us to reject godless ways and worldly desires and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age,

    Grace becomes an absolutely inseparable part of the believer’s life in Christ. In the coming of Christ and His death on the cross, the Mosaic Law as a rule of life was terminated. The believer is now to live in the liberty and power of God’s grace by the Spirit, not the rule of law. This new liberty must never be used as an occasion to indulge the flesh or sinful appetites (Gal. 5:13) nor does it mean the Christian has no moral law or imperatives on his life, but simply that he or she is to live righteously by a new source of life as asserted in Romans 8.

    Romans 8:2-4. For the law of the life-giving Spirit in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. 3 For God achieved what the law could not do because it was weakened through the flesh. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and concerning sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 so that the righteous requirement of the law may be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.


      July 17, 2016 7:24 PM MDT

  • 284

    The Wages of Sin
    14For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace.15What then? Shall we sinbecause we are not under law,but under grace? By no means!16Do you not know that when you offer yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves to the one you obey, whether you are slaves to sin leading to death, or to obedience leading to righteousness?…

      July 17, 2016 7:30 PM MDT

  • 284

    Texas~ If you agree that God is God, that Jesus is His Son and the Holy Spirit is the Spiritual essence of both of them, is that not the Trinity?

      July 17, 2016 7:40 PM MDT

  • 284

    What is iniquity according to the Bible?"

    The Bible uses words such as iniquitytransgression, and trespass to indicate levels of disobedience to God. They are all categorized as “sin.” Micah 2:1 says, “Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds! At morning’s light they carry it out because it is in their power to do it.”

    The Hebrew word used most often for “iniquity” means “guilt worthy of punishment.” Iniquity is sin at its worst. Iniquity is premeditated, continuing, and escalating. When we flirt with sin, we fall for the lie that we can control it. But like a cute baby monkey can grow to be a wild, out-of-control primate, sin that seems small and harmless at first can take control before we know it. When we give ourselves over to a sinful lifestyle, we are committing iniquity. Sin has become our god rather than the Lord (Romans 6:14).

    When we realize we have sinned, we have a choice. We can see it for the evil it is and repent. When we do, we find the forgiveness and cleansing of God (Jeremiah 33:81 John 1:9). Or we can harden our hearts and go deeper into that sin until it defines us. Partial lists of iniquities are given in Galatians 5:19–21 and in 1 Corinthians 6:9–10. These are sins that become so consuming that a person can be identified by that lifestyle. The psalmists distinguish between sin and iniquity when they ask God to forgive both (Psalm 32:538:1851:285:2).

    If we continue to choose sin, our hearts harden toward God. One sin leads to another, and iniquity begins to define our lives, as it did when David sinned with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:3–4). His initial sin of lust resulted in a hardening of his heart, and his sin deepened. He committed adultery, then had Bathsheba’s husband killed (verses 14–15). Iniquity had taken over David’s life. It was only when confronted by the prophet Nathan that he repented with great sorrow. His heartfelt cry for forgiveness is detailed in Psalm 51. Verse 2 says, “Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.” David is a picture of someone who clearly understood the progression of iniquity and who experienced the mercy and forgiveness of God (Psalm 103:1–5).

    The second half of Romans 1 outlines the progression of sin (verses 10–32). The end result for those with such hardened hearts is that God turns them over to a “reprobate mind” (verse 28, KJV), and they no longer have the desire or ability to repent. Reprobate means “thoroughly depraved, given over to evil until the conscience is seared.” The Scripture is clear that God forgives even iniquity (Micah 7:18),

    but if we persist in it, we will reap the wages of sin, which is eternal separation from God (Romans 6:23).

      July 17, 2016 7:49 PM MDT