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Discussion » Questions » Legal » If you put people in conditions that are much worse than prison, eventually they will start to kill one another. RIGHT?

If you put people in conditions that are much worse than prison, eventually they will start to kill one another. RIGHT?

Isn't that the PLAN TRUMP really wants to put in effect?

Trying to show these people are criminals and murderers and even kill each other?

I think that was his whole sick idea in the first place.

Posted - July 13, 2019


  • EXCEPT - When they can communicate, organize, and support each other in fighting for survival and freedom.

    When that happens, it's the jailers who need to worry.
      July 13, 2019 10:53 AM MDT

  • 46117
    YES YES YES it does.  But that will take a miracle and miracles ALWAYS happen when you least expect.  GREAT POINT.  

    The trouble is, these people are starving and weak and have zero gumption.  They are trying to stay on the Earth and alive and not drink pee water.  It is hard to be Joan of Arc when you cannot even stay awake because you have had no food for days.   Also, if they did happen to manage to fight the guards, it would be all over the news and then it would be WORSE for them.    THIS IS NOT GOING TO END WELL.
      July 13, 2019 11:11 AM MDT

  • 11389
    They probably will and the guards will probably take bets on who will win. Cheers and happy weekend!
      July 13, 2019 11:57 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Just like the cock-fighting morons who are worse than animals themselves.  And the pit bull ring cowards who let dogs die for their entertainment pleasure.  SO CHLLINGLY SCARY.  
      July 13, 2019 11:59 AM MDT