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What are some common misconceptions about adult children moving out of their parents' homes? ~

Posted - July 20, 2019


  • 1. That they haven't done it because they're "lazy". Housing costs are sky-high around here. When a studio is close to $3000 a month, it makes sense that many are still living at home. 

    2. That their parents desperately want them to leave. My parents were sad to see me move out; they said they wanted me to move out because I wanted to and they wanted that for me. But they would've been fine if I had continued to live there. 

      July 20, 2019 10:22 AM MDT

  • 1817
    LOL number two is funny. My parents were so annoying about me moving out "we moved out of our parents at 16". I moved out at 18 and they've spent the last five years trying any possible excuse to get me to move back. I guess you truly dont know what you've got until it's gone  
      July 20, 2019 10:52 AM MDT

  • 44714
    My mother couldn't wait for me to leave so she could throw all of my stuff out.
      July 20, 2019 4:18 PM MDT

  • 44714
    Misconception. That they won't move back. My step daughter did and set up shop in the basement.
      July 20, 2019 4:20 PM MDT

  • 17631
    That when it happens it is a boo hoo sad thing.

      Parents should be happy and proud that their children have grown to be independent and self sufficient.  Of course they are missed, but life is grand when you get away from your parents and, for parents, when the kids are able to move out and on.
      July 20, 2019 7:05 PM MDT