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Are there more people on this site born under Libra than other signs?

A lot of people seem to be behaving like Librans just lately, especially when they respond to my posts. Why do you think that is?

Posted - September 6, 2016


  • 1113

    It would be interesting to ask an astrologer about this. I expect you would get some interesting answers, such as "there are always exceptions to the rule", and "perhaps there is some hidden part of you that yearns for conflict, but has been suppressed due to upbringing". Perhaps they would break out some technical jargon, and give some kind of explanation like "well, you see here in your chart, the position of Mercury and Jupiter show that your argumentative side is mitigated by... etc, etc." 

    The best fakes and charlatans ALWAYS have some answer to excuse apparent contradictions. It's the hallmark of all pseudosciences.

      September 7, 2016 11:44 AM MDT

  • 1523

    Who knows?

      September 7, 2016 11:59 AM MDT
  • Bez


    Not every sign has a stubborn streak, but Taurus is one of the most stubborn. The sign following it (Gemini) isn't in the slightest bit stubborn. Sagittarius (the one following Scorpio) wouldn't win a prize for stubbornness either. Yes, several of the signs do have a stubborn streak in them, although for different reasons.

    Remember, I first got to know Barry in my early days of discovering astrology, and he conformed to it then as he does now, his own non-belief in it notwithstanding. Since then I have met other people of that sign who have the same attitude.

    As for "cold reading", going by the Wiki definition of that it's another load of cockamamie horse-sh*t just as much as "confirmation bias". In fact, the Wiki definition of "cold reading" even refers to those world-famous nincompoops Barnum and Forer, whose so-called "experiments" and "findings" were based on lies, lies, lies and more lies with not a shred of truth anywhere to be seen. Those guys were very sad individuals who had nothing better to do with their lives than to devise ways of swaying other people over to their own high-and-mighty opinions, and resorting to deception in the process. If you believe anything those guys have to say, then there is no hope for you.

    No, I don't see why you have a problem with astrology because you still haven't answered the question I asked before: If it is nothing to do with astrology, why else are people born on certain dates born with certain traits? Answer that before you carry on criticising both astrology and those who rightly believe in it. When you post a valid answer I will look into it and compare it with astrology and see what happens.

      September 7, 2016 2:19 PM MDT

  • How do we... I mean they act? :0)
      September 7, 2016 3:14 PM MDT

  • I'm a Gemini.
      September 7, 2016 3:38 PM MDT
  • Bez


    Maybe. It depends on what signs the dogs are born under. I should imagine Aquarius dogs would be the guilty party, that sign has a notoriously defiant, rebellious streak in it. Lol:)

      September 7, 2016 4:47 PM MDT