((Hugs)) I used to be known as "lead-foot Rosie" back in the day L! When I'd drive up north from L.A. to San Francisco to visit my son on the 5 freeway I'd lead foot it! It's a very long and winding road about 300 miles of which runs through pretty empty terrain and the road just calls to you to speed up! Once I was nailed for doing "80" when I was really doing 90! I was in the lead and apparently there were like 8 cars traveling in my wake. The cop started pulling folks over starting with the farthest one from me. I saw what was happening and slowed down. He got to me last. I did not argue with him about the speed I was going. I did not correct him. That was in the very long ago L! Brings back fond memories! Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
It's funny because when I took my driver's test, the instructor told me I needed t speed up a bit - I drove too slowly! He should see me now. Fortunately, I've never been pulled over for anything. Happy Sunday. :)
I am exactly the same now as I was at 20. I don't act one whit differently.
Sure, my tastes have changed, but I still look for what I like ( I always DID) and I still choose what I want to do, wear, and be.
Nothing has changed at all. I don't run around the block, but I never liked to run around the block anyway.
I do what I want and I try not to break the law. But sometimes the laws need to be changed. Like the one that tried to put me in jail for using marijuana. I was right about that too. I need that stuff. I don't want to get high. I want to function.
And you would NOT BELIEVE the people who frequent marijuana dispensaries. Most of them are over 50.
I understand its usage mitigates pain. Cancer patients use it for that purpose. I have never visited a dispensary but they are legal now I think. I am not the same person I was at 20. Not by a long shot. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
Is that Mozart R? Ever hear of the Carmina Burana by Carl Orff (I think)? It's a Latin Chant sung in religious ceremonies I think. It is awesomely beautiful to my ear but I don't know what its musical classification would be. I associate harpsichords with Baroque music. Is that correct? Thank you for your reply R and Happy Sunday! :)
Think Purcell, Handel, Bach, Vivaldi and Pachelbel. Mozart came later. Baroque music did indeed involve harpsichords, as well as the organ, celeste, theorbo (bass lute) and all kinds of bowed strings. Pachelbel's "Canon in D" is widely regarded as one of the most hauntingly beautiful compositions of all time. Turn on your sound.