Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "All good things come to he who waits." Would you wait to greet you fate or would you run switfly toward it? Patient or im? Because?
You didn't answer the question I asked. My question is not about what is in quotation marks. My question asks will you run toward or await your fate? "As for all good things come to he or who waits" I waited for Jim and he came to me. He is very good thing. Other very good things have come to me by waiting as well. It may not hold true for thee but it has for me. I can only ask about that which I have experienced bw.Thank you for your reply.
I walk toward my fate - meaning I prepare myself physically and psychologically as best I can for all eventualities. But that's about my education, work and lifestyle. It's proactive. I created my fate.
But in one respect I didn't. Partly because it's what I was taught. My grandmother used to say, "never run after a man or a bus, there'll be another along in a minute." She made it clear that the woman who made an advance towards a man would be disrespected and treated as a tart. Well, men just didn't come my way. I was mostly a teacher or an artist - surrounded by other women and gay men. The rare het. men in those circles had their pick and were quickly taken.
I waited for the right man to be interested in me and he never appeared. Eventually, at 48, I settled for a man who had long been my best friend. He's a good man, loving, honest, kind, and non-violent - and I am grateful for that. But he avoids responsibility, learning, solving problems, making decisions and has an exceptionally poor memory. He cannot support himself or us, so we live from my means. He has no libido. He is inarticulate. He says he does not know why he thinks or feels the things he does. This is the price I pay for not, as a young woman, realising how important it was to be proactive about finding the right partner.
Had I waited for my fate, I'd still be languishing in my mother's house - long after her death. The best things in my life came to me only through hard work and persistence.
But I'm happy for you, Rosie, that your husband and all the good things of your life came through waiting. It seems to me you must have been born in a very fortunate time and place.
This post was edited by inky at July 28, 2019 11:15 AM MDT
In essence, fate is not ascribed to any divine power. It carries the notion that we have no freedom of choice, are helpless, subject to a cosmic determinism that is unjust, illogical and intimidating. I do not wait for or run towards fate because I do not believe in the notion that something will happen regardless of what you say or do. I do not live a life where the idea of inescapability and gloom permeates the air. :)