Discussion » Questions » Politics » Two attorney generals bribed to drop the case against Trump University and the GOP is not investigating?

Two attorney generals bribed to drop the case against Trump University and the GOP is not investigating?

Yet they are investigating a "c" on Hillary's emails?

Attorney General Bondi from Florida dropped Trump University investigation after soliciting a $25,000 from Trump.

Attorney General dropped his investigation of Trump University because Trump gave $35,000 for Attorney General Abbott's campaign. Now Abbot is the Texas governor.

The Associated Press reported this. But where is the GOP watchdog investigation team that investigates everything?

Oh, I forget. They are too busy with Hillary emails. That can go on for years.

Posted - September 7, 2016


  • 35073
    If that is true both AG should be removed from office and charged with bribery.
    Upon further information, there maybe a case in FL where Bondi solicited a donation right before deciding to drop the case.

    But in TX Abbott dropped his investigation into Trump University in 2010, and received a cumulative $35,000 from Trump in 2013 and 2014. The timeline is not nearly as suspicious.
      September 7, 2016 5:52 AM MDT

  • Proof?

      September 7, 2016 6:23 AM MDT

  • 53693
    (attorneys general)
      September 7, 2016 7:05 AM MDT