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How is possible for someone to become a general WITHOUT HAVING HAD COMBAT EXPERIENCE?


Posted - September 8, 2016


  • 691

    I had a coworker at my old job that joined the military when the economy was going bad. He had a degree and skills and experience and was made an officer very quickly. He did not see combat and likely never will because his skills are needed.  There are only so many smart people with technical skills to go around and when the military finds those people they don't stick a gun in their hand and send them off to risk their life.

      September 8, 2016 6:36 AM MDT

  • 503

       Combat experience has absolutely nothing the do with being in a high ranking position in the military. Must someone by an NFL player in order to be a coach ?  no ! ... Most functions of a high level military position ( General) is a management / administrative assignment.... General's don't lead the charge over the hill ala John Wayne !

      September 8, 2016 6:39 AM MDT

  • Yes, you Auts are very precious.

      September 8, 2016 10:17 AM MDT

  • 628

    Hello there Rosie

    I guess that would depend on what you expect from your military.

    If you want your military to use non combative means, or are more concerned with image over results during confrontation then I suppose you would want diplomats and politicians as your Generals.

    If on the other hand you want your military to "Chaaaaaarge, Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead...."during a confrontation then I prefer the likes of MacArther and Patton leading the charge.

    The Military is our Sword, it should be our last resort. If we decide to pull it out, we should make sure it is sharp and true and held by those experienced in using it..

    I believe we should always first use diplomacy to solve conflict, and I think there are times where you can strategically use a show of force without firing a shot. Under those conditions I don't think combat experience is necessary 

    Strategies used in the avoidance of war are different from those used in prosecuting a war. When you do go to war it is because those other strategies have failed, so you don't use those same people to attempt a new strategy.

    When the times comes where you do have to start firing, I want the gun in the hands of those who have actually used it before.

    as always..

    Have a great day

      September 8, 2016 11:26 AM MDT

  • 5835

    When I took Latin in high school I asked the teacher how come nobody had heard of these generals anyplace other than the story of the one battle that made them famous. She said they were farmers, and when the battle was over they went back to farming.

    It has been observed that modern generals are always trying to refight the last war. So experience is not necessarily a good thing.

      September 8, 2016 2:26 PM MDT

  • 113301

     If you have fought in a war and seen your friends get blown to bits. If you have fought in a war and had to kill to stay alive . If you know first-hand the horror of war it seems to me you would want to do all you could to prevent it. If all you have done is read about it I'm pretty sure you can't say you have experienced it. Doesn't a conductor have to know how to play all the instruments in the orchestra? It just seems logical to me des. If you personally have experienced the horror of war I would think you would be the last person in the world to advise a president to send troops into battle. That may be naive. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)

      September 9, 2016 2:57 AM MDT

  • 113301

    If you have fought side-by-side with friends whom you saw get blown to bits. If you have killed other human beings so you could stay alive. If you have actually experienced what war is like up close and personal it seems to me you would be less likely to advise a president to send troops into battle than someone who only read about it in the comfort of an office far away from the battlefield.  Did I reply to your demand satisfactorily WB? Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to thee.

      September 9, 2016 3:34 AM MDT

  • 22891

    thats a good question, i have no idea

      September 10, 2016 8:27 PM MDT