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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I wonder if the cause of chump's misogny was rejection by women? Maybe when he pursued them they LAUGHED him? Is there anything more worser?

I wonder if the cause of chump's misogny was rejection by women? Maybe when he pursued them they LAUGHED him? Is there anything more worser?

Posted - August 18, 2019


  • 46117
    You, my dear, are ON to something.

    That is why, I think, he started with the money.  Why try and be something you are NOT and try and charm them when you can PAY them?  He has used his wealth and power to get what he wants.  This still is not enough for most of us who would puke in our mouths if we had to kiss that thing.  BUT there are tons of women and tons of needy women who like that kind of JERK.  

    But?  It's the ONES he could NEVER EVER HAVE that rile him the most.   Women who would not spit at him.  Those are the ones he wants to KILL in any manner he can find.  

    If you are not BLACK like Obama, he goes after the females that are unattainable-- like Hilary.  Of COURSE she is NOT his type.  Because? TRUMP could NEVER EVER be her type.  Or Michelle Obama's.  Or Elizabeth Warren's.  OR April Ryan's.  Or Maxine Waters.   Or any woman of substance.  That is what he hates.  Intelligence AND a vagina he cannot grab, is an AFFRONT and THREAT to his ego.

    That's why he goes after their looks.  Has he looked at his first WIFE lately?  How about Kelly Ann?  How about Sara Huckabee?

    DOGS as he calls women.  All dogs.  

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 18, 2019 12:49 PM MDT
      August 18, 2019 10:45 AM MDT

  • 113301
    He is REPULSIVE and always has been. Snarky smirky supercilious lying SOB. Not what real women of substance would allow to even shake their hands let alone invite him to grab their private parts or worse. The ones he can get are the golddiggers and greedy money hoors who are willing to let repulsives like him screw them for the money. Without his money he probably would still be a virgin except for the women he raped. He is repulsive repulsive repulsive repulsive. No normal sane woman would want anything to do with him. Period. End of story. Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      August 18, 2019 12:44 PM MDT

  • 6477
    These things often also stem from childhood.. a misogynist household perhaps.. wasn't there claim that his dad had no time for him, was always busy with business? Daddy issues?  Wanting to impress daddy.. certainly didn't do that in business as daddy had to bail him out a few times.. so trying to be all macho and manly to show daddy what a big man he is? 
      August 18, 2019 12:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The chump had daddy dearest to bail him out of six bankruptcies. Lousy businessboy. If it were not for daddy dearest chump would have drowned. Alone on his own he is a nothing. Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
      August 18, 2019 1:11 PM MDT

  • 34871
    For a misogynist, he is not very good at it. 
    Trump has appointed more women in his administration than any other before him...more than Clinton and more than Obama. How does that work. But of course the media ignores that fact and even reports the opposite.
      August 18, 2019 3:51 PM MDT

  • 2706
    Yup. The media tends to do that a lot. :)
      August 18, 2019 11:03 PM MDT

  • 113301
    iT ISN'T THE NUMBER OF WOMEN HE CHOOSES TO SERVICE HIM. IT IS HOW HE TREATS WOMEN IN GENERAL m2c. His crude rude insulting attacks on women of color especially is an abomination. He is a class A JERK and misogyny is just one of his strong suits. So don't give me that baloney bologna about how he has appointed more women in his administration. That's just another red herring. But you are following his orders. You refuse to believe what you see or hear. You ignore his bragging about grabbing women's private parts "because they let you". You ignore his contempt for Muslim Women, African American Women, Women of color. He abuses WHITE women too but not as often. His sexual partners among them. All strong intelligent women who don't kiss his corpulent a** he will attack and has. You ignore the fact that he has the morals and integrity of an alley cat. His smiling at LOCK HER UP is a threat for Hilary Clinton. A smart intelligent strong woman. He can't quit her. I think he is absolutely taken with her and would love to "get closer". He is a woman-hater and a supporter of hate and a deviant perverted lying devious deceitful homo sap on every level. Now of course pro-dons see him as an angel of mercy from whom all good things flow. I get that. Misogynist fascist racist nationalist is what I see and I am legion. I am not alone. You see a white knight in shining armor whom GOD hath sent to deliver you from evil. I get that too. You have every right to believe that chump was sent by GOD as others truly believe that too. I have every right to believe that Satan is his sponsor mentor and Satan is very proud of what chump has accomplished in such a short time. Different strokes. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee m2c. This post was edited by RosieG at August 19, 2019 3:54 AM MDT
      August 19, 2019 3:49 AM MDT

  • 34871
    Of course...believe what you wish.
      August 19, 2019 4:46 AM MDT

  • 2706
    Yup. Liberals tend to do that a lot. :)
      August 19, 2019 9:27 AM MDT